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[AAR] The Medwedian Space Program [CHAPTER 1 IS RELEASED / PLEASE COMMENT!]


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(Sorry for doubleposting)

Chapter 1: The Beginning

MISSION: Medwedian Space Plane 1B Suborbital Test Mission | MSP-1B XM01






-BILL KERMAN, ZERO-G-SUBJECT (Sort of Guinea Pig in Space)

At the Federal Space Center Exclave, Eastern Kafrica.

11th of Keraugust; Year 1956 AK


Jeb: Coolant is at the right temperature, starting booster warmup.

Bill: All systems ready. Hatch is sealed. I like this Cockpit that our Krussian friends build for the spaceplane!

Bob: Concentrate, concentrate, please. I am getting a small anomaly in the landing gear hydraulics.

Jeb: Don't be so picky! We don't have to check the gear until we're at final approach! And a "small anomaly in hydraulics" doesn't mean that the gear won't deploy!

Mission Control: T-60 Seconds.


Jeb: It's starting soon!

Bob: I am worried a bit about the gear, still...I shall re-check during the ballistic flight.

Jeb: Don't you look forward to seeing Kerbin from fifty kilometers? Let's not worry about the gear, shall we? There's time for the pre-landing procedures during reentry and final approach.

Mission Control: T-40 Seconds.

Bob: Okay, okay...I admit, yes I am looking forward to the flight to the edge of space. But are you sure the rocket won't wobble?

Jeb: Don't worry, it will. And there is no abort system yet, so in case, I will have to manually steer the glider away from the rocket after cutting out all engines and enacting the decoupling protocol. It will be fun to land in a little Taheirean village with people who think our whole space program is only a fairy tale? Or maybe they'll think we're aliens. This would be fun!

Bob: Don't be silly, Jeb! I understand that you only look at the side of things you understand as "funny" and "interesting" such as three years ago when you strapped ten fire extingushers to your chair and launched yourself up to 100 meters! Remember, you were in the hospital for a couple of months and said to all us that you understood what "danger" means?

Jeb: Ahm...ohm...oops.

Mission Control: T-20 Seconds.

Bob: Apropos Taheireans...was the Taheirean Government and the magistrates of the regions we will be flying above informed about the possible strange lights in the upper atmosphere due to the reentry of our spacecraft? I also mean Tullemark and the other regions in Medwedia.

Jeb: They were. Remember when the Medwedian Air and Space Administration sent multiple unmanned probes on a similar northwards trajectory? They didn't think it was an alien invasion, or did they?

Bob: Oh yes, they did. Remember when we read the Taheirean newspaper that morning? They had to send 10.000 policemen to stop the humbug.

Mission Control: T-10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...SRB IGNITION!

Bob: SRB ignition Confirmed.

Jeb: Vertical Speed Confirmed. Poyechali!


Mission Control: *Heavy applause* Congratulations, Jeb, Bill and Bob! Good luck during the flight!

(The Kerbonauts rejoice but then get pushed into their chairs due to the slowly rising G-forces)

Jeb: Man...how many gees did they promise us?

Bob: I think 4 or 5. But what I know that the peak G-forces will be before the booster separation.

Jeb: Very nice. Very nice. On the other hand, altitude is 3000 and we are halfway through the SRB.

Bill: Oohhoaauurrgghhhhhhh! Thhiiis...I...is...nice...G-Forces...

Bob: Don't worry, Jeb, he is always crazy like that when it is more than 2 G.

Jeb: Yes...I heard him screaming in the centrifuge and I know that he vomited the whole day.

Mission Control: Prepare for SRB separation. Enact the Compressed Nitrogen Circuit for the ignition of the Dynamite charge.

Jeb: CNC enacted. Pressure: 50 atmospheres. SRB fuel at 10 percent, preparing for separation. 3...2...1...SEPARATION!


Bill: Oohhh...this ease...


Jeb: Altitude: 10 kilometers. Gravity turn autopilot is running okay, we are already turning northwards.

Bill: Finally...the torture is over.

Bob [quietly to Jeb]: How do you think he'll behave during Reentry? They promised 6 G!

Jeb: I think he'll scream. Or faint.

Bill: Oohh...how nice it is when the G-forces decrease.

Jeb: No wonder when there is almost no more drag. When we accelerate at such a big rate but without anything stopping us I call it "slicing through the butter of the upper atmosphere".

Bill: You and your crazy philosophy! But at least, they promised us less gees when we'll be testing the new suborbital capsule that goes up to 300 kilometers and plunges back to land near the KSC.

Jeb: They promised us MORE gees! This will be fun!

Bill: You...you...

Bob: Let's enjoy the flight! Look, Kerbin is already beautiful from just twenty kilometers!

Mission Control: Prepare for separation of liquid booster stage.

Jeb: Confirming. Fuel is at 10 percent. 3...2...1...SEPARATION ONCE AGAIN!

* a bigger KA-KLANK*

Bob: Starting Monopropellant Engines.


Jeb: Why did Professor Kerolev decide to install such little, cute engines on our spaceplane?

Bill: It's for trajectory adjustment and to steer away from the expended stage. Also, when we'll go to orbit, we will use them for de-orbit if we are stranded so that a landing can be arranged instead of having to be rescued or die in space. And no one wants to die in space.

Jeb: Obviously not, but just as a side note, it would be more honour. And also, i heard of a secret government program where they get the DNA from the ashes of our crashed spaceship and then make a clone out of it. But it's just a fairy tale, i think.

Bob: You are reading too much comics, this is certain.

Jeb: Why do you think so? I have just 572 volumes of Konald Kuck and Kickey Kouse! I also have just 332 volumes of Captain Medwedia! And...what's wrong with comics?

Mission Control: Time to deactivate the engines, Jeb.

Jeb: Understood. Engines shut down, expending leftover fuel. Bob, you're in charge of the RCS, aren't you?

Bob: I am already orienting us for reentry. This must be very precise, as one degree too much to the left or to the right or upwards or downwards - a firework at an altitude of 25 kilometers. Even at suborbital speeds.

Jeb: If i were the pilot i won't worry about the heatshield too much.

Bob: Jeb, stop with your "Not Worry" speeches. This is NOT the simulator, this is the REAL THING!


Mission Control: Apoapsis reached. We confirm your altitude of 55 kilometers.

Jeb: The first, easy part of the flight is over. We were at the edge of space, but now we have to land that thingy on that plain in Tullemark.

Bob: We are oriented for Reentry, all is checked, the coolant is running. I also just realized that due to the vacuum something changed in the landing gear hydraulics and they are fixed now.

Bill: Reentry will be easy, won't it? Slow and calm.

Jeb: Just 6 gees!

Bill: Nice joke, Jeb!

Bob [quietly]: If he would have believed it he would have fainted. Be careful!

Jeb: We are entering the lower layers of the atmosphere now. Altitude: 32 kilometers.

Bob: Looking forward to the barbecue at the landing site, aren't you?

Jeb: Barbecue? Mmmmmhhhh! But now let's just relax and watch the flames!


Bill: Oooarrghhhh!!! The gees....coming baaackkk....this is the woorrrstttt....roller...coaster....

Bob: He's crazy again. Ignore him.

Jeb: You talked about the barbecue. Our ship is getting barbecued now, isn't it?

Bob: Heatshield temperature: 1600 degrees. Heating peak is here and deceleration peak is already behind us. The G-forces are decreasing now. We're just supersonic, no longer hypersonic now.

Jeb: Nice to hear that, we're nearer and nearer to home.

Bob: Look! The flames are getting fainter and fainter! And before you ask, the RCS is decreased and i'm dumping the rest of the fuel into the atmosphere.

Bill: Ohh...the G-forces are decreasing...finally. And apropos dumping RCS fuel, won't it...rip the ozone layer open?

Bob: Don't listen to those false-story-tellers, the monopropellant is compressed ozone itself. A invention by our friends from the Green Party which actually turned out as effective. No damage to the ozone layer. Absolutely.

Jeb: Altitude: 15 kilometers. We're gliding now.


Bob: Mission Control, all is looking good, the aerodynamic control system hydraulics are functioning properly as they should.

Jeb: We are breaking the sonic barrier...backwards. Speed is 290 m/s and decreasing.

Mission Control: We are giving you the Bjergsted Airspace Control Authority now.

BACA dispatcher: Alpha-Delta, we have been informed that you will land in this area after an suborbital flight. I am blocking all other air traffic in the Northwestern Bjergsted Border Region. Roger.

Jeb: Roger. Thank you. Contact us if any other thing is to be clarified, our frequency is 789.37. Over.

Mission Control: We have informed the Crashed Aeroplane Crew Rescue Authority, they are coming with the helicopters. And yes, the barbecue equipment is also ready.

Jeb: Mmmmmhhhh....i am already hungry. But first we three have to land that thingy.

Bob: It's extremely hard to pilot that...i realize now i spent not enough time in the simulator.

Jeb: Altitude: 3 kilometers. Bob, NOW you can re-check the Landing Gear.

Bob: Landing Gear all good. Arming it.

Jeb: Altitude: 2 kilometers. Radar Altitude: 1.200 meters.

Bob: Switching to Manual Control. We are ready to land on the Invisible Landing Strip.

Bill: For the barbecue, they must bring enough Mustard. I mean, the Kortugan one. The very hot mustard.

Bob: A landing i so interesting and you are going off-topic. Today's youth...

Jeb: Radar Altitude: 200 meters...150...100...


Jeb: 50...30...20...15...10...4...2...TOUCHDOWN!

Bob: Touchdown Confirmed. Starting Landing Gear Brake. Oh [CENSORED], that tire is blown again.

Jeb: Confirming Rapid Deceleration...CONFIRMING HALT! WE'RE AT HOME!

(The astronauts rejoice and exit the airlock, while on the horizon rescue helicopters appear.)



Feel free to give any comments, about the writing or about the design of the spacecraft. Remember, this is the first "real" AAR I am writing.

Edited by MedwedianPresident
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