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Air-16D Big Boned

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Yes, the Air-15 now has a big brother. Shareing much of the same disign futures just bigger, the Air-16 can still turn. So the bay as you might expect is a little bigger. I probably could've fit another row of bombs(15 more bombs) however 30 was hard enough(symetry didnt work). Anyways she is pretty much the same as the Air-15 exept not noob proof. If you havent flown any on my jets before i strongly advise you to try my Air-15 first. Also the same "roof" carrier thing works on here like its little brother. I will let the pictures say the rest.

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If you want it able to use the re-fueler tell me and i will try my best. Anyways hope you have fun flying



P.S. I apologise for spelling errors

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