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Kerbal Attachment System - Exploding Landers


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I connected about 15ish landers together, while I was in the process of landing my 16th or so, they flew up into the air(connected with pipes), and ultimately broke. I noticed the landing carriage on one seemed to be the culprit, as it was missing. I assume it was that I had sent an empty orange tank, and transferred all of the extra fuel over there, messing with my CoM. This was just game breaking for me, I could have fixed it, but a majority of the landers were broken, each launch taking about 30 min. I have a video recording here: http://www.twitch.tv/maximumtech/b/501941127

Highlight @ 53:30 - 55:00. I think I want to try the base again, except this time with wider modules, centered in a lake(on minmus), and with a tension multi-lander landing system, to make transit faster. Anyone know what caused the issue so I can avoid it?

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In my experience.. if I had struts attatched to the removable containers and I accidently grabbed one... BOOM goodbye hours of work. So this happened as you were landing? Sounds like it broke when the base loaded in.. its hard to say exactly what, but for starters avoid adding struts ( both KAS struts and hard struts ) to the containers.

Edited by Motokid600
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I can relate. I had to dock two ships together with a pipe. Had to eva a kerbal and make the connection before the two craft drifted too far apart. I failed.. reloaded.. boom. Kraken attack. I posted in the KAS forum, but it seems theres not much we can do. Im not sure what causes it. The only things that I KNOW cause it are struts and quick saving with a kerbal on EVA ( and I think I made the mistake of quick saving while I was linking pipes.. ) Sorry I know not much help, but im trying to narrow down what could cause this. Because like you id like to make a really nice base one day. But not if this is just going to keep happening. My last one suffered a fate similar to yours. It was pretty cool granted.. seeing hundreds of pieces of debris fall back down on the mun like rain.

Not cool a second time though. Is there ANYONE else with similar experiences? It always seems to happen on a quickload.. so theres something goin on there. Idk if its avoidable during construction or not. That's what id like to know.

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Just had it happen to me! Arg! First I was trying to link two ships to refuel my lander. It didn't have any attachment ports so I brought an extra from the refueling ship. Each time I tried to attach one it sent the lander way up into the air like we suddenly lost gravity. Then when I took the fueling ship back I went to plug it back into my refinery and it exploded! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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I've also noticed similar issues with KAS parts baiting the Kraken. I was shoring up a docked spacecraft with struts on EVA, I got three of them linked successfully, but when I placed the fourth, boom, the entire ship tears itself apart. This is really hindering my Dunian exploration mission, since it needs more support struts to keep from spontaneously disassembling when I fire the rockets to burn into a transfer orbit.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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