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[SHOWCASE] This should not fly . . .

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So . . . . this thread is inspired by "show of your biggest rockets".

Things like this go here:


We've all built things so ridiculous, large, overbuilt, etc, that they look like there's no way they'll fly, yet they do. That's what we're after here!

Show us the rockets that have given you the biggest "How on Kerbin is this working?!" moments.

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To the OP: I hate to be a downer, but how should that not fly? Its big ya, but if youve the largest size engines, which it looks like it does, itll lift off. Just probably take very bit of fuel to get anywhere.

^now that tree looks damn cool to fly.

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To the OP: I hate to be a downer, but how should that not fly? Its big ya, but if youve the largest size engines, which it looks like it does, itll lift off. Just probably take very bit of fuel to get anywhere.

^now that tree looks damn cool to fly.

At the time I was certain it wouldn't have the TWR to get off the pad. And it BARELY does. I get maybe .3 gees of acceleration on initial launch.

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paging Wackjob

Please do summon the Whack.

I hope whackjob does have some preposterous creation to show us. There have been too many perfectly viable designs in this thread. And a Pig. I'm responsible for the pig, though.

"This should not fly" pretty much describes everything Whackjob builds. This thread is his dream showcase.

Did it?

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That shouldn't have enough fuel to get to orbit burning nukes in atmosphere like that!

Right? Yet it does, comfortably. The key here is that by the time you get to 2000m, nukes are already burning at >400s isp, and you can switch off the fuel-hungry aerospikes, while the nukes are just enough to get over T/W>1. Afterwards, the nukes have burned enough fuel weight so you get to go very fast while throttling down. And I swear I didn't calculate anything before the test flight!

Rune. The launch procedure turned out so complicated, I wouldn't have been able to.

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Hello, fellow rocketeers.

I recently gone through my saves from the times back in .18 when i started playing KSP. By this time, it was just sticking random parts to engines (building from the bottom to top obviously :) ) and crashing over and over. But the most interesting thing was hidden at imgur, and it was this:

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It's from early .21, and it was one of my most successful stone-age lifters. Altough it was unbalanced and the last stage had TWR about 4 and was using the incredibly inefficient KW rocketry engine.

What about posting your most obsolete (but usable) craft: it can be anything, like lifter, lander, station etc.

(We already have several odd-ship showcase threads, so your post was folded into this one, JebKerBoom, in the interests of keeping the forum tidy.)

Edited by Vanamonde
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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