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I my name is Jasel and I'm a Kerbol-O-Holic. My wife hates the game, but my kids think it's pretty cool as long as they get to release the different stages.

I'm just really getting the hang of the game mostly through career mode; I've created a Science Lab (using the Station Science mod), and I'm just now trying to figure out how to go interplanetary.

I'm also running the KW Rocketry mod, mech jeb, Clouds/city lights, and I am contemplating deadly reentry...but probably not till I get interplanetary travel down.

My simple station (which took me 3 tries before I figured out the different docking nodes):


See you around!

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I too feel like I too am A Kerbal-o-Holic. I use the word asparagus every chance I get.

I do not use mods, as I (personally) feel like it's cheating [i understand now that not all mods are a cheat], Just a quick question.

I use steam to launch my KSP

1) Can I use mods on Steam? If so what are some good mods for things like Clouds/City lights?

Thank you in advance, and good luck with your addiction.


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Hey Jngodup!

I think the only mod that "helps me" would be the KW Rocketry. Their solid boosters make things easy, and their experimental rockets crazy, but very "experimental"; meaning you don't know what is going to happen when you build them!

Station Science just gives having a space station a purpose in my mind.

The answer is YES, you can use mods. You'll find your KSP game folder here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program

The clouds mod I used was THIS ONE.

I find it makes Kerban waaay more appealing.

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I can talk to one co-worker about it which is nice, but the rest no way. I found it helps to describe it as simPhysics. This lets the other person know I'm about to talk about more astronomy stuff...an obsession they know I have at least. So they can either walk away, or learn a thing or two!

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