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A few probe part improvments.

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I've been experimenting with adding a pair of probe sized boosters to my light launch vehicle and I have to say its been very effective. However there are a few annoying things that make it unnecessarily fiddly to build.

The first problem is the small probe tanks won't attach to the separators or another tank radially which means I have to use a couple of cubic struts and part clipping to put them on in a way that looks nice.

The second problem is why am I having to use 18 of these small tanks to make a booster. I'd very much appreciate some longer probe tanks to make them easier to use.

Finally I'd like to suggest some probe sized SRBs that can go nicely on the side of my launch vehicle as the current 1.25m ones are too big for launching a 1.25m rocket.

Here is the vehicle that all these problems apply to.


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I've been experimenting with adding a pair of probe sized boosters to my light launch vehicle and I have to say its been very effective. However there are a few annoying things that make it unnecessarily fiddly to build.

The first problem is the small probe tanks won't attach to the separators or another tank radially which means I have to use a couple of cubic struts and part clipping to put them on in a way that looks nice.

The second problem is why am I having to use 18 of these small tanks to make a booster. I'd very much appreciate some longer probe tanks to make them easier to use.

Finally I'd like to suggest some probe sized SRBs that can go nicely on the side of my launch vehicle as the current 1.25m ones are too big for launching a 1.25m rocket.

Here is the vehicle that all these problems apply to.


Oscar B tanks are terribly inefficient for both their size and excessive weight. try launching one of those boosters by itself and you may find it barely lifts its own weight off the pad.

KW Rocketry and Nova Punch has a bunch of those small strap on boosters in both SRB and liquid fueled that can easily fulfill the need for the probe launchers.



Micro asparagus,


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Try out hoojiwana's RLA stockalike parts. It's a really great probe part pack that seems to fit what you're looking for. They aren't stock, but this is the kind of part pack that I can see being added to the stock game, maybe not all of them, but at least some of them. And I hope they do get added at some point, they really make probes much better.

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