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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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21 hours ago, JeffreyCor said:

Tried the new beta build and had a serious error.

Can confirm I messed something up. I'll get it fixed tonight, thanks :)


Edit: Build 186 should work properly now. Somehow you had an invalid recon/rollout that was being removed, but it tried to remove it while looping over the list it was removing from, which is a bad thing. Should be all fixed now.

Edited by magico13
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26 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

Also trying out SR and BROKE too (Which is looking really good!).

Awesome :) SR should be alright. BROKE has a lot work needed before it's good to go. I haven't worked on it in a while but am hoping to in the next few weeks. I've got a (hopefully) fairly small surprise project that I'm working on at the moment (it's something I've been wanting to play around with but not something I expect others will use since there are several existing alternatives that are more featured), so I might recruit you to test that once I get it to a useful state ;)

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SR is working well and the little problem I had with it not doing powered recoveries before is solved. Same setup had a successful recovery. :)

BROKE looks to be "working" in that it doesn't blow up, which is always a good thing ;) Balance, UI, etc does have rough spots but without that basic foundation working nothing else matters.

Ohh, surprise project? :D Sometimes more features are more things to go wrong lending to a more simplified approach being preferred. Sounds like it could be very interesting :)

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The secret project now has a GitHub and is automatically being built on the build server. It's not at all configurable yet, so I need to do that and a few other things before I make any sort of official announcement.

It's a life support mod that uses no extra parts and has only one resource ("LifeSupport"). Each unit of LifeSupport supports a single kerbal for 1 Kerbin day (6 hours). It's massless, so it won't screw up the delta-v of any existing rockets. The only parts that contain LifeSupport are parts with crew capacity; each seat adds 500 LifeSupport. This restriction forces you to add additional living space as mission length increases. Short duration Kerbin SOI missions don't require any special considerations (there's over a year of LS in each pod), but as soon as you go interplanetary you have to start considering it. Round trip Duna missions are about 1200 days long, which requires about 2.5 "seats" per Kerbal (so a 2 member crew needs about 5 seats, which is a mk1+hitchhiker). Jool missions are about 3000 days and require 6 seats per Kerbal. This one, extremely simple mod, thus fulfills the roles of a "life support" mod and a "minimum crew space" mod.

There aren't any ways to be fully self-sufficient yet. I've got something in mind involving Ore, the science module, and 2 engineers (or maybe an engineer and a scientist).

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ohh bit of a simplified way of USI-LS :) For the future self sufficiency part I think the engineer and scientist sound good. Engineer to fill to role of the mechanical parts like irrigation, etc. and the scientist to fit as a botanist for growing things.

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Yeah, it was mostly just something I wanted to make for fun after reading a thread about self-imposed rules people have. It seemed like a simple way to enforce minimum crew space while also providing encouragement for not leaving kerbals stranded places. USI-LS is almost what I want in a simple LS mod, but it didn't quite meet what I was looking for.

I wanted to make it so you couldn't use the science lab for its normal purposes while also using it to generate life support, but I do prefer the engineer-scientist mix since it provides more incentive to hire both types of kerbals. I want to require Ore (or at least a drill) since that's a stock mechanic and requires a non-trivial amount of infrastructure to set up. I need to play around with how mining in the background works, since I'd want it to be able to run in the background without issue. If I can't get it to work properly with the Ore resource itself, I might just base it on the rate of Ore input from drills and the output from the ISRU and assume that's constant for all the unfocused time and only actually consume Ore while loaded.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gave it a quickie. Was unable to find any way to determine the length of time for remaining life support without checking each individual component. Also had one crew member die while others stayed alive and supplies remained on other parts of the ship, seemingly only the supplies in the module that particular Kerbal was in was able to sustain that Kerbal. Or the others just didn't like him and refused to share their stuff ;)

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Yeah, I've still got a lot of work to do on it and don't know when I'm going to get the time. You can just check the total resources (from the Stock resource menu) and divide by the number of kerbals, though there's not a way to check in the editor: just use Kerbal Engineer Redux since it has a total resource counter.


I've never worked with parts before so I'm not too surprised it's only working per-part. The fuel flow rules should have it take from any part though :/ Not sure what I need to do to fix it. I'll let you know when I've got something worth looking at again, but I don't expect to have any time until this weekend.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I might have found a small bug in Stage Recovery (I haven't confirmed it though). You can see the issue here

Is there a way to enable more verbose logging?

Oops, hadn't noticed the new version (1.6.3) uploaded. Guess the MIA issue is already fixed.

Edited by Rodhern
My fault
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  • 1 month later...
28 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

Now that 1.1 pre-release is available I'm getting a separate install of it ready for testing for ya :)

Awesome! I fully expect everything is broken. I'll try to find some time this weekend to get at least a basic update running. With thesis writing I can't give up a full day for KSP, but maybe I can do a few shorter breaks just to get things working in 1.1.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, JeffreyCor said:

Well looks like we now have the full release of 1.1 :D Probably at the worst possible time for you though, figures! :P Setting this threat for immediate alerts so as soon as you need testing I can be on it ASAP.

Hoping to get to it this weekend. Might do StageRecovery first since there have been a few community recompiles for it so it should be easy to adapt those for an official update. KCT's gonna take a while of working through the dependencies but I'll hopefully have something ready to release by the end of the weekend (hopefully some initial tests by Saturday night).

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2 hours ago, JeffreyCor said:

Which ever one comes up first I'll be all over it :) 

Came home to a dying server, so that might delay things some. Backed up everything I can think of, but setting everything up from scratch again always takes a while. Might just try to get the 1.1 stuff up and running since that's more time sensitive (I can live without the server for a week or two), but unfortunately we won't have the build server at our disposal to make things easier. Alas :rolleyes:

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Good news and bad news :) Though the bad is probably not unexpected. SR does not seem to recognize the current 1.1 built of RealChute. It seems to look at stock only when that installed, find no chute, and plummet to part destruction :P The good news, powered recovery seems to work without any problems! :D 


(Kerbal Konstructs has an error as you can see with the current release. didn't affect the RC recognition issue)

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Totally forgot about RealChutes, definitely not surprised. I'll have to take a look at that on Friday. No chance of doing it tomorrow, I have 100 or so tests to grade (thankfully only 1/4 of the test as there's 4 of us grading it, but still over a hundred of them :confused: )

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Alright, updates to StageRecovery to get it working with RealChute and the first pre-release for KCT. I expect many bugs with KCT. I'll be doing numerous changes on KCT in the next few days so I don't suggest using it in a full save yet. StageRecovery might get some bug fixes too before the release, but it should be functional as-is.

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Will get on it. Right now all saves are expendable and open to sacrifice :)

EDIT: SR is looking good! :D

EDIT2: Your expectations on KCT have been realized :wink:

If the KCT information window it remains open when chancing scenes, such as entering the science building or VAB

In building screens (ie VAB) the information on building time, build points, etc does not populate until after.

When trying to launch a ship after building, there is no pilot even though one is selected on the launch crew selection window.


Edited by JeffreyCor
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Hi, I'm testing the KCT 1.3.3-pre1 and most of it went smoothly for me. All the windows looked good and mechanics worked. However, I had a CTD when tried to remove a part in SPH. I'm not sure it's a KCT issue, but it's the last mod that was in the log. It might happen because I put and then immediately removed a part.

The log

UPD: Another bug. Loaded game, set up KCT, entered VAB, created a simple rocket, then clicked Simulate (via Launch button), selected "In orbit" and then wanted to edit simulation duration to "10m". As soon as I pressed M, the simulation settings window became empty and unresponsive. I can still click through part categories in the VAB and drag around the main KCT window, but I can neither start the simulation, nor launch the ship, nor exit VAB. Esc key doesn't work either.

Edited by garwel
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