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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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Found a biggie for the notice not coming up as it should. If parts from inventory are used, the notice doesn't come up. New parts has the notice as usual. Not entirely sure if it is the root part the has to be from inventory or all parts but it's finally some headway in finding the cause. The same result happen in the VAB and SPH. The new feature of .90 of loading saved ships in either editor helped that test a lot! :) I did a short run to get the error to happen to keep the log short. I hope this got something to show up.


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Thanks JeffreyCor, I will see if I can figure anything out with that. Sorry for the lack of updates in general, I've been busier than I had anticipated this week and I'm not expecting it to be much better in the immediate future. I'm going to be travelling for a majority of tomorrow, but thankfully I'm not doing most of the driving this time, so I'm going to see if I can do some work on my laptop while in the car.

There are a few changes that the RSS guy's were requesting that I need to implement, I need to sort out the procedural parts issues, fix the few bugs I know exist, and make sure you can't build things larger than your launchpad or the VAB will allow. Then 1.1 for 0.90 will be golden and I can start working on more 0.90 specific features. Those include: times for upgrading/repairing buildings and maybe adding a tab in the editor where only inventory parts are available.

Then come the big changes of 1.2!

Between 1.1 and 1.1.5 I want to do a bit of work with StageRecovery though. Also, has anyone tested StageRecovery + the new RealChutes version? He mentioned a change in the module, which may have broken things. Summoning JeffreyCor for his favorite duty of testing how badly RealChutes updates break things ;)

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Thanks JeffreyCor, I will see if I can figure anything out with that. Sorry for the lack of updates in general, I've been busier than I had anticipated this week and I'm not expecting it to be much better in the immediate future. I'm going to be travelling for a majority of tomorrow, but thankfully I'm not doing most of the driving this time, so I'm going to see if I can do some work on my laptop while in the car.

There are a few changes that the RSS guy's were requesting that I need to implement, I need to sort out the procedural parts issues, fix the few bugs I know exist, and make sure you can't build things larger than your launchpad or the VAB will allow. Then 1.1 for 0.90 will be golden and I can start working on more 0.90 specific features. Those include: times for upgrading/repairing buildings and maybe adding a tab in the editor where only inventory parts are available.

Then come the big changes of 1.2!

Between 1.1 and 1.1.5 I want to do a bit of work with StageRecovery though. Also, has anyone tested StageRecovery + the new RealChutes version? He mentioned a change in the module, which may have broken things. Summoning JeffreyCor for his favorite duty of testing how badly RealChutes updates break things ;)

Running SR+RC right now, no problems noted so far.

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Running SR+RC right now, no problems noted so far.

Awesome! As JeffreyCor can tell you, nearly every time there's a RC update it totally breaks KCT and SR since they interact with it very differently from most other mods. Let me know if you encounter any troubles, but they'd likely be pretty obvious (things not recovering when they obviously should be, game crashes when stages get unloaded, etc)

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oh yes, that is how I got started working on this. I nearly fell over laughing as the summing bit :P I'm in the process of a progressive test to try and find those little things that sneak though when doing spot testing on functions. So far nothing big unknown, but a small GUI issue that I didn't previously enter. The far right side of the KCT window while at the spaceport screen was slightly cut off. I'm including a screen shot to illustrate.

I hope your traveling goes well and safe. Any questions for testing that come up here I'll address in your absence and try to make sure you have any new reports ready with logs when you return. :)

having a problem getting the screen shot to upload so will try later for that.

EDIT: Finally got the dang screen shot to upload :P Also simulation properly rejected an airplane in the SPH that had more parts than supported by the building level.


UPDATE: The simulation system recognized the parts limit, but making ships in the SPH or VAB ignores both the limitations on parts for the state of the editor and the size and weight limitation of the launch platform / runway.

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I got a couple of things done in the car today and am playing around with recognizing mass/size/part count limits. So far I've had decent luck. There may be a new build late tonight, but there's a good chance that I'll hold off until tomorrow.

Edit: I decided to at least commit the changes, meaning there's a new build with some fixes/changes but that also may prevent you from ever launching ships :D Read the commit message for more info, I'm gonna go to sleep and work on this again tomorrow.

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It doesn't break launching ;) Only had time to test out runway and SPH so far but it is recognizing the checks for parts etc for building planes as well now and no problem launching with level 1 runway with Build 32. :) If I get time later I'll do full testing with the VAB as well but unless something is being weird I expect no problems with it there. Looks like one issue down :D

EDIT: Looks like I spoke too soon :( While it does properly restrict on L1 runways for size, it does not recognize the changed values after upgrading to an L2 runway. Confirmed all fix but got a rejection message that the size was too large.

Another possible one which I haven't narrowed to being KCT or not, when more than 1 Kerbal is to be crew on a ship, the first one is added and the second killed. Simulations do not exhibit such a thing only launch which is why I suspect KCT. Both occurrences are in the log.


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I was seeing no issues detecting upgrades or with multiple crew per ship (either different parts or the same part, like 2 one man pods or the 3 man pod). Maybe it was specific to the build you were testing? I'm also testing without any other mods (except ATM for faster load times). Try out build 35 and see if you've got the same issues. Tomorrow's goal is going to be testing procedural parts thoroughly, then hoping for release!

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cool magico this is one of the mods I need for my planed play throw........ now if I can guest get a copy of RP-0 that works

After I finally release I imagine there will be a set of configs and/or recommended settings for using RP-0 and KCT together. A lot of the features I've added this update have been due to conversation with those folks, since it sounds like (to me at least) they're planning on having KCT be the mod for handling anything time based. Though I really don't know what they're planning. I should probably figure that out some time :P

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Same problem in Build 35 as least as far as the build list. Rejected from adding to build list due to size, yet all sizes are within the upgraded runway limits. Included screenshots of the notice, spec / limits screen, and of course log.

reject notice: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4ttfekq3mz1aon/screenshot2.png?dl=0

Limits screen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hylzc969mg1xtn4/screenshot3.png?dl=0

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbxtv5fnoqr49ji/output_log.txt?dl=0

EDIT: Same with crew, used a single part ship set with a crew capacity of 2 for testing. Crew selection came up and went properly, but once spawned there was only one in the ship and the other one selected was listed as lost.

Crew selection: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivdir9umgd3krsr/screenshot4.png?dl=0

Crew on ship: https://www.dropbox.com/s/04lv3zemhvpa9of/screenshot5.png?dl=0

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xuy4it12yevi7r/output_log.txt?dl=0

EDIT2: Crew issue seems to be connected to certain parts only. Other parts spawn with normal crew. Will continue to look into this one.

Ship size for adding to build list is consistent in both SPH and VAB. In both KCT seems to only look at level 1 runway or launchpad respectively and does not take the increased size limits into account upon upgrade of either.

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Looking into the issue with crew first, I found this in the log:

[KCT] Assigning Jebediah Kerman to NP.Capsule.Bootleg

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

[KCT] Assigning Bob Kerman to NP.Capsule.Bootleg

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Cannot add crewmember Bob Kerman to NP.Capsule.Bootleg. Seat index 1 is out of range

That indicates the issue may be with the part itself. It seems to only have 1 seat when KCT tries to add crew to it (using stock functions). I'll see about adding some checks maybe to avoid the Kerbals being killed at least. I'm going to take a look at the issues with vessel sizes in a moment.

Edit: I incorrectly was checking the size limits for the editor and not the launch facility, so I may have fixed those issues. Will test and report, but I'm seeing a potential issue in that there is only one function to get the current size limits, but there are two sets of size limits, so I'm not sure how that will work. I'll try to do some thorough testing.

Edit2: HAHAHA! My intuition that there being only one size that you can get from the game was correct, but even the Stock game has that issue! The VAB size limits (well, technically launchpad) are the EXACT SAME as the SPH size limits, so a tier 1 launchpad is the same as a tier 1 runway, tier 2 = tier 2, tier 3 = tier 3. Since each is upgraded separately you're still limited by the proper one (so upgrading the runway all the way won't let you build bigger on the launchpad), but the size limits listed on the upgrades for the launchpad are TOTALLY BOGUS AND DON'T MEAN ANYTHING! Well, that makes things easier for me! I think I've solved the size limits issue now.

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Looks like there was a hidden change in .90 so crew capacity is based on something more than the "CrewCapacity = " line in the cfg file for parts then. Maybe if possible reading this hidden index rather than what was the crew capacity for how many seats to select crew for? That can cause some very far reaching headaches in a lot of mods.

Will check the size fix today in both :)

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Looks like there was a hidden change in .90 so crew capacity is based on something more than the "CrewCapacity = " line in the cfg file for parts then. Maybe if possible reading this hidden index rather than what was the crew capacity for how many seats to select crew for? That can cause some very far reaching headaches in a lot of mods.

Will check the size fix today in both :)

Does that part by chance have different variants with different crew capacities? They may be adding the extra crew space as a module or something. It works flawlessly with stock parts on my end.

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I found the same with stock parts as well and Firespitter parts too. It doesn't have any variants just a change to the config to CrewCapacity = 2 to simulate more of the Gemini to go along with the stock Mercury type to allow a pilot to take along an engineer or scientist. I'm going to give it a try without KCT to see if it is a stock issue with .90 then test build 35 after sorting out if this actually is KCT related or not. :)

EDIT: I took out KCT, loaded the same module trying to crew in and stock method. the ship spawned properly with both crew members aboard. This I believe means is it a KCT issue since it loaded both w/o and kicked someone out with it in.

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I found the same with stock parts as well and Firespitter parts too.

That's so weird to me because I didn't change any of that code between 0.25 and 0.90 and the part that seems to be having issues is the stock code I'm invoking to put the kerbals in the seats. I don't know what else I can do about it. Can you confirm that it happens with only KCT + stock? I'm wondering if you have a mod installed that affects it somehow.

Edit: There, I tried using AddCrewmember instead of AddCrememberAt, but if that doesn't work then I'm out of options that I can think of.

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Was just popping on to say simulations load 2 kerbals, but on a launch it is only 1. How's that for adding to the weirdness :P

On for some good news, the fix for recognizing the upgrades size limits of the runways and launchpads both work :)

EDIT: also of note, starting a new game under build 35 gives 14 out of 15 upgrade points available at the start, not the full 15.

EDIT2: I bring good news for Build 42! The crew fills in launch and simulation equally now. The master modder strikes again! His humble tester bows to your greatness :)

Additionally, the problem with reused parts not giving notice of ship added to the build list appears to be fixed at first brush. Not a lot of testing in that area but still a victory of some degree at least :)

That seems to fix what .90 broke, so it's back to the wonderful world of procedural parts testing? :P

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I can't replicate the issues you're having. I've made a release client for 1.1 available on the main thread, so if other people are having the same issues we should be seeing reports soon about it. The good news is that I don't have to do any work to package a new release since Jenkins takes care of it when I push a commit to the main branch ;)

Edit: Limited testing (very limited...) showed Procedural Parts to be working as intended on my end. We'll see if I need to make any changes for that soon... Could you keep an eye on the main thread a bit for the next couple hours? I've got a dinner thing with my fiance's family and I imagine people may have some questions about the changes. We've been working on this for so long that I can't remember what we've even changed!

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I'll pop over there and see if anything is up and as I can while working of the load my wonderful professor decided to assign for the week of Christmas :P Your latest fix did remove the issue I was having so don't think there will be any reports on it. I'm suspecting it could be related to a change in .90 that caused FireSpitter to have to update their parts due to the crew pictures during flight not showing up in flight even with crew aboard.

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thought i'd mention something on this thread as i've been trying to tune your devbuild KCT with my modded 0.90 ksp and the issue i seem to be having is craft not being recovered from the space centre screen. when i turn off KCT in the settings i can recover the craft again but when the mod is on recovery does nothing.

i've also deleted 'most' of my mods and tried with the same outcome. admittedly i only tried this with stock KSP and KCT once with a new career game, it worked fine but the issue seems to begin after about the 3rd or 4th mission. That's when recovery does nothing.

the log file is pretty big but ready in case you wish to look at it. i can post it here but i'm noob and don't exactly know how without messing up the screen with the large log file

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Upload the log to Dropbox or some other file sharing site and post the link here. Make sure its the output_log.text file and NOT the KSP.log.

If you're using the development builds, make sure you're on the latest one. I'd suggest using the 1.1 release client posted in the main KCT thread instead for normal play.

Here's a link to that post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92377-0-25-Kerbal-Construction-Time-1-0-3-%2810-17-14%29-Unrapid-Planned-Assembly?p=1622986&viewfull=1#post1622986

Edit: @JeffreyCor and other testers, I am still making some changes in the dev version so they can get tested before being put into another release client. I just did one that should fix issues with rollout status being lost when reverting and with the TechManager trees not letting you upgrade past the current one.

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glad you stressed the "not ksp.log" thing because that is exactly what i was about to send. :)

anyway, i just finished replicating the problem and quit out of the game to fetch the proper output log and it's not there. why isn't the game creating a log file? i pressed alt-f12 and checked the log as it was running and it was yet no file exists. i'm on linux 64bit but that shouldn't make a difference, should it?

is there something i should be doing?

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