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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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Pre-Release 4 is uploaded! It comes in two magical flavors: Stock and Real Chute.

The stock one is the normal one and will run with or without Real Chute, but may not recover spent stages if you use Real Chute. The Real Chute version supports the RealChuteModule and should be able to recover spent stages that use Real Chutes parachutes. If you use a mix of stock+real chute parachutes on a stage then make sure you use the module manager configs included with Real Chute (or the stock ones will be ignored)!


- Added Blizzy's Toolbar dependency, icon credit goes to diomedea! It will flash when a ship finishes construction.

- The part inventory now uses the common name instead of the internal part name

- Fixed issues with recovering kerbals and recovering from the tracking station

- Added optional real chute support as a separate download.

- Added crew selection GUI. Press the fill all/clear all buttons to totally fill/clear a ship. Press the fill/clear buttons next to part names to fill just that part. Click the Add button to select crew members from a list, and remove to remove them. Courage and Stupidity is listed as the float value for the time being, so 1 is a full bar and 0 is an empty one!

I totally forgot to include the toolbar folder. I've got to do that real quick...

Edit: ok, included that now.

So, go ahead and break this version. Let me know any bugs you find! (and include your KSP_Data/output_log.txt file, if possible!)

Edited by magico13
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Awesome! Testing it out now. I haven't used it until now, and I'm currently trying it in my RSS/RO install.

- The Build List won't open in the Tracking Station. The new TimeControl mod allows warp in the Tracking Station, so I'd like to be able to see my build times in that view so I can warp manually.

- Ability to Warp to Complete in the KSC and Tracking Center views would be nice too. Actually, just testing this now in flight view, it kept warping after the desired time and ridiculous speed and now I'm 120 days after completion... Output Log

- Wait... wat. Has there always been a copy of the craft being built hovering horizontally over the R&D Lab and firing its engines!? (I also smoke particles when switching/loading scenes)


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  curiousepic said:
Awesome! Testing it out now. I haven't used it until now, and I'm currently trying it in my RSS/RO install.

- The Build List won't open in the Tracking Station. The new TimeControl mod allows warp in the Tracking Station, so I'd like to be able to see my build times in that view so I can warp manually.

- Ability to Warp to Complete in the KSC and Tracking Center views would be nice too. Actually, just testing this now in flight view, it kept warping after the desired time and ridiculous speed and now I'm 120 days after completion...

- Wait... wat. Has there always been a copy of the craft being built hovering horizontally over the R&D Lab and firing its engines!? (I also smoke particles when switching/loading scenes)

I can add it in the tracking station. It currently isn't set to display there. I couldn't get warping in the KSC scene working, but depending on if things are in a stable circular orbit you should be able to just jump time at KSC. Warping may work in the tracking station. I can try that.

Hmm, it should stop warping no matter what when the ship is finished, but it's code that I wrote before and reworked and so isn't thoroughly tested since the change.

That is a side effect of having to load the ships in the KSC scene in order to actually use them later without having the same exact thing happen. For instance, during the flight scene whenever a ship is finished. It's the only thing I could think to do. It should be harmless, but I also don't remember seeing them in the KSC scene.

Looking at the log there is an issue during the vessel destroy event when focusing on what appears to be a flag called "KSC". Was there anything especially out of the ordinary happening then? I'm assuming that was what you used to warp. Did the mod keep working after that (could you use the gui/things like that)? It's possible that the error is why it kept warping. I'll have to look into it more later tonight.

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The ship appearing in the KSC scene might be an effect of the RSS rescale? But I wouldn't think the KSC scene itself is rescaled, just Kerbin. Not sure. It doesn't appear at first when I load the game, but is there after I enter another scene and return.

I did go to that KSC flag to warp, and that's when it didn't bring me out of warp when the ship finished, but nothing else strange happened. I've been playing mostly without issue since then (though my Geosync sats were flung out of sync :()

The X button on the build list doesn't seem to do anything.

I was going to test out part reuse, but realized that the radial parachutes are just expensive as the boosters I was going to reuse, and I'd have to use two of them! Well, I'll see how it goes anyway.

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  curiousepic said:
The ship appearing in the KSC scene might be an effect of the RSS rescale? But I wouldn't think the KSC scene itself is rescaled, just Kerbin. Not sure. It doesn't appear at first when I load the game, but is there after I enter another scene and return.

I did go to that KSC flag to warp, and that's when it didn't bring me out of warp when the ship finished, but nothing else strange happened. I've been playing mostly without issue since then (though my Geosync sats were flung out of sync :()

The X button on the build list doesn't seem to do anything.

I was going to test out part reuse, but realized that the radial parachutes are just expensive as the boosters I was going to reuse, and I'd have to use two of them! Well, I'll see how it goes anyway.

When a part is reused, it counts for 1/100 of the normal cost (time is based on the square root of cost, so it's pretty negligible in comparison to the other parts), so the first launch might take a while, but the second time you use them it will take MUCH less time.

Not sure the cause of the geosats being out of sync. Could be indirectly related to the previous issues.

The x button should remove the ship from the list. If you press alt-f2 you'll see the debug log, when you press the button do any errors get printed?

I'll have to test warping with a flag, but I'm not sure why it didn't work. It could be related to the error in the output log.

The ship appearing shouldn't be related to the rescale. I don't even know if it should appear at all, though based on the similar issues observed when loading the ships in the flight scene it's very possible. Just ignore them if possible :P They are definitely a result of this mod though. It will only appear if there are ships in the build list or vessel storage. It should happen any time the KSC scene is loaded, as the ships get loaded then.

Edit: Alright, confirmed that the ship hovers above the R&D building. Consider it as some sort of special loading screen feature. It's very fitting to me that they'd be doing tests at the R&D building on the new ships :wink:

Also confirmed the "x" not doing anything, I'll try to get it fixed. I also tried warping with a ship, not a flag, and had no issues, but I need to try with a flag as well.

Edit 2: Worked fine with a flag. Did you make sure to press the Warp to Complete button and not just manually warping? If you're using a mod that changes how warping works, there's a possibility that the warp to launch won't work (for what I can hope is a fairly obvious reason).

Also a bug that needs fixed: If you revert to launch then the crew won't get put into the ship, since I do it after the vessel is loaded, so I'll have to mess around with that. These are all goals for Sunday.

Edited by magico13
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  magico13 said:
When a part is reused, it counts for 1/100 of the normal cost (time is based on the square root of cost, so it's pretty negligible in comparison to the other parts), so the first launch might take a while, but the second time you use them it will take MUCH less time.

Ah right. So is the time only based on the square root of cost?

Not sure the cause of the geosats being out of sync. Could be indirectly related to the previous issues.

Oh this was just because their orbits weren't perfect and a lot of time passed :)

Edit: Alright, confirmed that the ship hovers above the R&D building. Consider it as some sort of special loading screen feature. It's very fitting to me that they'd be doing tests at the R&D building on the new ships :wink:

Also confirmed the "x" not doing anything, I'll try to get it fixed. I also tried warping with a ship, not a flag, and had no issues, but I need to try with a flag as well.

It is kind of cool! Though not with the engines running, and lying sideways. And I guess it should really be in/near the VAB?

Edit 2: Worked fine with a flag. Did you make sure to press the Warp to Complete button and not just manually warping? If you're using a mod that changes how warping works, there's a possibility that the warp to launch won't work (for what I can hope is a fairly obvious reason).

It happened while warping with a normal vessel in focus as well, so don't waste any time messing with flags specifically. BUT, I do have other warping mods, most notably TimeControl. KAC and Fusebox also have features to bring you out of warp, but I don't know if those would be likely culprits.

Also, sorry if it's been requested before or is in planning, but at some point I hope we can build sub-assemblies separately, so we can stock up on launchers :)

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The time is exactly "Math.Sqrt(totalTime) * 2000 * KCT_GameStates.settings.BuildTimeModifier;" where totalTime is equal to total cost for brand new parts. For parts that are in the inventory it's "totalTime+=p.partInfo.cost/100;" and for parts that have been used before but aren't in the inventory it is "totalTime += p.partInfo.cost / (KCT_GameStates.PartTracker[name] + 1);". So as you can see, using the part inventory and using the same parts in many different builds reduces the overall build time (the tracker increments by one for each part for each separate build it is in. 1000 boosters in one rocket only counts as one use in the tracker). This also is my implementation on your (and several other peoples) requests for sub-assembly support. If you use the same launcher many times, and if you recover it, it becomes almost negligible in total time added to the build and the whole time is based on the payload. If you want to save up on sub-assemblies, just throw some in the build list with some random (cheap) root part and scrap them when they're finished. Now you've got a bunch of cheap launchers saved up! I may be able to add sub assemblies separately, but at the moment this doesn't actually read any ship files except for the temporary file it makes to do launches and so I'd have to rework some stuff. It'd also likely be another GUI, or part of the build list GUI. GUIs are not my friends...

I don't think I have any real control over the ghost ships. I wish you could load a ship from a ConfigNode without having to actually load the model in game, but KSP doesn't actually allow that or I at least haven't found it. I could conceivably write my own method given a lot of time and would probably end up destroying a few people's saves... :P Maybe later down the road I'll try that.

Did you have an alarm set to go off? I've tried to get KAC to remain fully functional with this, so I don't expect it was the cause, but it's possible that something altered the warp and this then gave full control to them. In order to maintain KAC support and not blow past alarms like they're nothing, if something changes the warp (including the player) when using the Warp to Complete this releases full control to them and won't try reducing the warp. EXCEPT that it should still set the warp to 1x when there's 10 seconds left (though at high warps this is not always possible. If your max warp speed is higher than standard it will very likely miss this 10 second window, and even the maximum warp in stock will probably miss it. It's there so that if there's a KAC alarm less than a minute or so after then it won't keep warping through (and by that time KAC will have reduced the warp rate)).

If others can confirm issues with Warp to Complete then I will pursue this further, otherwise it seems like it may be a mod incompatibility, which if you can narrow it down to one definite mod then I'll try to fix it.

Also, sorry if I sound like I'm shooting you down. I fear I can come off as sounding that way sometimes, I'm more of trying to discuss and explain (as I know the inside outs of this mod better than anyone else, although I have physically played with it less than all of you probably. I have yet to build anything in my main save since I took over this mod in late January and have only gotten to play for about 3 hours total, all of which was done in simulation mode with a folding wing shuttle I was testing, so I know what things are supposed to do but not necessarily what they will actually do)

Edited by magico13
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Uploaded a hotfix to address some of the issues that have been observed. Changes:

-Fixed removing ships from the build list not working

-The build list is now able to be displayed in the tracking station, but has a really strange appearance. I couldn't get time warp working, but time jump should be available.

-Reverting to launch should restore your crew, but there's now a null reference being thrown that I need to track down. It seems relatively harmless.

-Toolbar is now optional but still included and highly recommended.

Download is in the OP, let me know of any issues! Thanks guys (and gals)!

Edit: The null reference is actually an issue with a flag I had nearby. For whatever reason flags are throwing a null reference when they get loaded. I haven't seen any real issues from it though.

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In short, only recover vessels from the flight mode for the time being! Thanks for catching that guto8797!




Glad I could be some of some use! Keep up the good work! (In case you don't get the reference, it's from League of Legends. That armor guy is Jarvan, and his attack creates a stone arena that can also trap allies. That blue bird is Anivia, whose strongest attack casts a blizzard in a small are, roughly the same size of the arena. A lot of guys jump in, form the arena, and trap their whole team to their doom.

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Hey I tried putting in the plugin and faced some problems. The build mode didn't even have a name to put in, the launch button was fully greyed out, and when i tried to launch from the KSC page there was no time in the upper corner and no kerbals in it.

I didn't find much of an faq anywhere, so if you could help with what I should do I'd appreciate it. I do have a couple mods installed already.

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Possible bug here... KSP died just before landing during a simulation. When I reloaded, the complete rocket was available on the pad and seems perfectly normal, with no simulation revert windows.

This is an issue I expected would happen, since between sessions it doesn't remember what was a simulation. It will be fixed when I redo how simulations work.

  pejmany said:
Hey I tried putting in the plugin and faced some problems. The build mode didn't even have a name to put in, the launch button was fully greyed out, and when i tried to launch from the KSC page there was no time in the upper corner and no kerbals in it.

I didn't find much of an faq anywhere, so if you could help with what I should do I'd appreciate it. I do have a couple mods installed already.

The launch button is disabled and you instead have to launch using the button on the GUI in the editor that says "launch!" The name for the ship is taken directly from whatever you named the ship in the editor (vehicle assembly building or space plane hangar) (though, if you don't save the ship it will likely be "Untitled Space Craft"). The actual launch is done after the ship is built (visible in the build list which is available in the Space Center, Tracking Station, and Flight scenes, press the gear with a clock hand button to display it if using the Toolbar mod, otherwise it's the KCT button in the bottom left) and that's when you can actually add crew.

Most of this information is somewhat dispersed through the OP. Though I should take some time to reorganize it some, but that would be time taken from actually doing development :P If someone else wants to make a "Getting Started" guide or do a video, it would be very appreciated and I would feature it on the OP.

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I can give it a shot, what do you rather, serious and informative, or a more humorous approach? I can only try it tomorrow, given tomorrow I have a math exam (WHY U SO HARD MATH?!), which sadly leaves me with leetle time for kerbal and for the proper screenies.

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  magico13 said:

The launch button is disabled and you instead have to launch using the button on the GUI in the editor that says launch! The name for the ship is taken directly from whatever you named the ship in the editor (though, if you don't save the ship it will likely be "Untilted Space Craft". The actual launch is done after the ship is built (visible in the build list which is available in the Space Center, Tracking Station, and Flight scenes, press the gear with a clock hand button to display it) and that's when you can actually add crew.

thanks for responding :)

Which editor? The regular KSP one or another?

And the gear is in the toolbar?

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I tried putting the plugin back in, and i still get the UI breaks I got before.

There's the exit button being disabled in the space center in here for example:


Or this one where it's what happens "in-game"


are there any specific mods that have broken compatibility?

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  pejmany said:
I tried putting the plugin back in, and i still get the UI breaks I got before.

There's the exit button being disabled in the space center in here for example:

Or this one where it's what happens "in-game"

are there any specific mods that have broken compatibility?

At the very least, your version of Toolbar is out of date, which may cause some issues. The one that is included with this is the latest. The KCT icon isn't displayed at all in that screenshot, but should be there... If you can get me your KSP.log and KSP_Data/output_log.txt files (just put them on dropbox or mediafire or pastebin) then it would help me figure out what's wrong (they have to be from after the game gets messed up)

As for specific mods with compatibility issues: the only one I suspect is the Time Control mod breaking the Warp to Complete functionality, but I'm not sure of that. Mission Controller Extended also has issues with simulations auto-reverting on vehicle destruction, which there is a config option for and which I will fix when I redo how simulations work. There are likely more, but no others have been reported yet.

  guto8797 said:
I can give it a shot, what do you rather, serious and informative, or a more humorous approach? I can only try it tomorrow, given tomorrow I have a math exam (WHY U SO HARD MATH?!), which sadly leaves me with leetle time for kerbal and for the proper screenies.

I tend to prefer the humorous style, but serious and informative may be better. If you throw in some humor, I will not complain :D It should ideally cover the basics of how to use the mod (how to build a ship from the editor to launch, some general info about simulations, and how using the same parts and recovering parts reduces the later build times) and maybe some mention of the config file options. Which I will possibly just cover right now:


BuildTimeModifier = 1 //The build times get multiplied by this, setting it to 2 doubles the build time and setting it to 0.5 halves the build time

SandboxEnabled = True //If set to "False" then KCT will only work in career mode saves. Requires game restart

SimulationTimeLimit = 7200 //The time limit, in seconds, for simulations. Setting to 0 will remove the time limit but keep the other limitations. 7200 is 2 in game hours

AutoRevertOnCrash = True //If "False" then crashing during simulations will not automatically revert but will instead pop open the Simulation Complete window

Use6HourDays = False //If "True" then days will be displayed as the Kerbin-centric 6 hour day-night cycle instead of being 24 hours long

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  magico13 said:
This is an issue I expected would happen, since between sessions it doesn't remember what was a simulation. It will be fixed when I redo how simulations work.

Figured as much. If it helps, since it's still being tested anyway I shall dutifully destroy my "free" rocket like a preproduction Viper. :D

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
Yaaaaaaay for RealChutes compatibility!
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  magico13 said:
At the very least, your version of Toolbar is out of date, which may cause some issues. The one that is included with this is the latest. The KCT icon isn't displayed at all in that screenshot, but should be there... If you can get me your KSP.log and KSP_Data/output_log.txt files (just put them on dropbox or mediafire or pastebin) then it would help me figure out what's wrong (they have to be from after the game gets messed up)

As for specific mods with compatibility issues: the only one I suspect is the Time Control mod breaking the Warp to Complete functionality, but I'm not sure of that. Mission Controller Extended also has issues with simulations auto-reverting on vehicle destruction, which there is a config option for and which I will fix when I redo how simulations work. There are likely more, but no others have been reported yet.

I tried using both the included toolbar and the one i downloaded a few days ago (1.7.0), neither managed to show anything (in the configure menu too). I tried the realchutes version btw. And the update button doesn't go away, it's a 1.7.0 bug.

I have neither of the two mods you posted.

I tried running the game with most of my big plugins taken out (namely remotetech, ferram, kw, interstellar, isamapsat) and it still gave the same issues.

Here's the files you asked for https://www./folder/1qba65x26oaq7/Kerbal_Construction_Time

I hope it helps :)

EDIT: I went through my mods reinstalling one by one and the KSPCalendar mod seemed to be the problem. But the UI still had a messup.

Then when i tried building a ship and constructing it, the Space Centre bugged out and showed only a sky background, with no ground. The game continuously crashes now.

I added the new txt files to the above link.

Edited by pejmany
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  pejmany said:
I tried using both the included toolbar and the one i downloaded a few days ago (1.7.0), neither managed to show anything (in the configure menu too). I tried the realchutes version btw. And the update button doesn't go away, it's a 1.7.0 bug.

I have neither of the two mods you posted.

I tried running the game with most of my big plugins taken out (namely remotetech, ferram, kw, interstellar, isamapsat) and it still gave the same issues.

Here's the files you asked for https://www./folder/1qba65x26oaq7/Kerbal_Construction_Time

I hope it helps :)

EDIT: I went through my mods reinstalling one by one and the KSPCalendar mod seemed to be the problem. But the UI still had a messup.

Then when i tried building a ship and constructing it, the Space Centre bugged out and showed only a sky background, with no ground. The game continuously crashes now.

I added the new txt files to the above link.

The errors I'm seeing all have to do with Toolbar. First off, you have two of them installed. It's not enough to rename the .dll or the folder, you have to actually remove the old folder when you install a new version. That will probably make the update icon go away.

[LOG 01:53:04.330] Load(Assembly): 000_Toolbar/Toolbar (2)
[LOG 01:53:04.331] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at N:\Games\Kerbal Space Program FARRUM\GameData\000_Toolbar\Toolbar (2).dll
[LOG 01:53:04.341] Load(Assembly): 000_Toolbar/Toolbar
[LOG 01:53:04.341] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at N:\Games\Kerbal Space Program FARRUM\GameData\000_Toolbar\Toolbar.dll

You must use v1.0.3 of RealChute I think in order to use the RealChute version, though I don't know what version you have. I am hoping to remove the hard dependency next version, but am having nothing but problems with doing so.

Everything I see is related to issues with Toolbar. If you remove the duplicates and make sure to delete the entire 000_toolbar folder than you probably won't have any issues.

Looking at the files from after you removed the Calendar mod, it confirms that thought. You only have 1 version of toolbar running then and absolutely no issues related to this mod. You instead are getting an out of memory issue when the main menu is loading.

DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocationCould not allocate memory: System out of memory!

And figuring that this mod isn't active whatsoever in the main menu, I'm gonna figure it's unrelated. I'm not sure what version of the Texture Compressor you're using (or exactly what you're using) but I am unfamiliar with its output. I use the latest basic version of this one and it saves me over a gigabyte of RAM: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!

You may have encountered an error beforehand related to this, but I unfortunately cannot see it in the logs. If you get these issues resolved and then encounter the error again, let me know and send me the logs.

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  magico13 said:

DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocationCould not allocate memory: System out of memory!

And figuring that this mod isn't active whatsoever in the main menu, I'm gonna figure it's unrelated. I'm not sure what version of the Texture Compressor you're using (or exactly what you're using) but I am unfamiliar with its output. I use the latest basic version of this one and it saves me over a gigabyte of RAM: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!

You may have encountered an error beforehand related to this, but I unfortunately cannot see it in the logs. If you get these issues resolved and then encounter the error again, let me know and send me the logs.

I didn't really face these problems before. I ran into the occasional out of memory issue but nothing serious.

I reinstalled a lowres version of visualenhancements, installed the new version of texture compressor and realchute (i was on 0.3.3 for some reason), and it seems to work well. I'll post about any future errors.

Thanks a lot for the support.

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  pejmany said:
I didn't really face these problems before. I ran into the occasional out of memory issue but nothing serious.

I reinstalled a lowres version of visualenhancements, installed the new version of texture compressor and realchute (i was on 0.3.3 for some reason), and it seems to work well. I'll post about any future errors.

Thanks a lot for the support.

Let me know if you encounter any more bugs. If you get me (or any mod developer if you find a bug with their mods) the KSP.log and the output_log.txt files then it's usually pretty easy to diagnose the issue. Sorry if I sounded negative or rude, I'm new to having to deal with bug fixing and it's frustrating for me too trying to figure out what's wrong. Thank you for your patience :)

  guto8797 said:
Oh, and by the way, how should I deliver the guide? Word document, a spoiler in the forums? Got some sketch ready, but I need to get home first so I can start working on screenshots

Good question... I am under the impression that Spoiler tags don't actually work on the forums. A word document may work, which I can then either provide a link to (using google drive perhaps?) or rework for the OP, or just include with the download. I also should setup a github for this at some point and I think it could be setup to work there as well. So I'd say a word document is probably the best bet, since it can easily be reformatted later. Thank you again for doing this :D

I think I should be able to get RealChutes to work without requiring two separate downloads (which I think also requires specific RealChute versions), but I've still got issues with it. Deadly Reentry does it and makes it look so easy!

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  magico13 said:
Let me know if you encounter any more bugs. If you get me (or any mod developer if you find a bug with their mods) the KSP.log and the output_log.txt files then it's usually pretty easy to diagnose the issue. Sorry if I sounded negative or rude, I'm new to having to deal with bug fixing and it's frustrating for me too trying to figure out what's wrong. Thank you for your patience :)

Good question... I am under the impression that Spoiler tags don't actually work on the forums. A word document may work, which I can then either provide a link to (using google drive perhaps?) or rework for the OP, or just include with the download. I also should setup a github for this at some point and I think it could be setup to work there as well. So I'd say a word document is probably the best bet, since it can easily be reformatted later. Thank you again for doing this :D

I think I should be able to get RealChutes to work without requiring two separate downloads (which I think also requires specific RealChute versions), but I've still got issues with it. Deadly Reentry does it and makes it look so easy!

I think i'll send a word document, which you should rework for the OP and readme file. And yet another question, when dropping boosters, do the parachutes need to be deployed, or just having them Is enough? Does it change depending on RealChutes version or not?

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  guto8797 said:
I think i'll send a word document, which you should rework for the OP and readme file. And yet another question, when dropping boosters, do the parachutes need to be deployed, or just having them Is enough? Does it change depending on RealChutes version or not?

Both the stock and real chute versions just require that you have parachutes, not that they actually be deployed. I could probably require them to be deployed, but it didn't seem extremely necessary. Both are set up to require that the velocity be less than 10 m/s at sea level at full deployment (though the formulas may not actually be correct, it's a bit of guesswork). If you've got any other questions, ask away! :D

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Hmm... something unrelated to this mod, but do you think a calendar mod would be doable for kerbal? There is already one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68270-0-23-Kerbin-Date-Calendar-%28Version-1-3%29

But unfortunately, I think it is abandoned, and my main problem is that the "Kerbin Time" setting instead of having the day over at 6 hours, rescales what time means in order to make sure a kerbin day lasts 24 hours. On other words a second on kerbin is equal to 1/4 of real life, is there any config I can do, or any mod I can install that allows me to change it? I wantz 6 hours day koddamit! I'm aware that you probably have the skill for it, but two mods at the same time is too much, any kind of tweaking I can do?

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