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Youtube Newbie

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Have a look at the other youtubers out there, like Nerd2 and Scott Manley and the like. They are great for inspiration, but try not to copy too much, even though it is really entertaining. It really depends on what kind of channel you are thinking of having, i.e. that you make tutorials, or make fail videos, or just record yourself playing KSP.

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I've recently started making some Kerbal Space Program videos, myself. Just make sure it's not boring...

You're best to scrutinise your own work and think "is this good?". I've only been going 2 weeks and have got myself 27 subscribers... but people are enjoying the videos - it seems!

Just don't do the same as everyone else :).

Check out my channel if you like, send me a message or whatever :D



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- Well, for starters you need to be constant with your uploads, try to create at least 1 weekly video and put yourself on a deadline, something like "new videos every Friday". Push yourslef to reach that deadline.

- If you are going to do live comentaries then be sure to use a good microphone, do some test to see if your voice sounds clear and if what you are saying is understandable. If not then try to compose your text messages as concise and clear as you can, with a good understandable font.

- If you want to put some music on your videos try to find songs that are royalty free, or with a creative commons license that allows for sharing and commercial use, otherwise Youtube can delete your videos for copyright issues. Better safe than sorry :wink:

- Don´t expect to have 1.000.000 subscribers in the next month. Heck, don´t even expect to have 50 subscribers in the next 6 months. Upload what you like because you like it, and if others like it, they will subscribe.

- Choose a interesting theme for your videos, for example I created 4 series that I´m currently developing with very precise themes:

Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin: I´m trying to circumnavigate Kerbin using a rover, no mods, no hacks.

Lets Launch: I build dumb stuff and launch it to complete some personal challenge.

The Lost Files: Where I compile failures and explosions and whatnot

Science Files: This is my place for serious missions.


And don´t be ashamed to promote yourself :cool:... see what I did there?

Edited by Wooks
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#1 tip - make the videos that you enjoy making the most. If you're not having fun making them, what's the point?

Make sure that your videos convey your personality and interests in various things in KSP. If that's something unique, not often seen - so much the better. Even if it's the same 'ol KSP as everyone, your personality is the difference.

#2 - Watch your completed video before publishing to YouTube - make sure that it's entertaining.

If you are laughing at your own antics, you're probably on the right track. Are there any boring / uninformative parts that you want to skip over when you watch? Chances are your audience will want to skip that too.

#3 - Let everyone see your failures, and then overcoming them.

Remember that people watching your videos like learning something new - or pointing and laughing at your silly mistakes, while you aren't looking - but that's ok because we're all participating. Some of my favorite videos from other users are me screaming at the screen "Don't do that you idiot! YOU IDIOT STOP IT! STOP THAT NOW! NOW SEE WHAT YOU DID!!!!!!!" and later watching people work out the solution and going, "Yes! Now you get it." or "I didn't know you could do that!"

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