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Our Endeavors, a KSP Music Vid


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I haven't posted on the forum in nearly a year, but I just decided to just... Do a little project. It's a little embarrassing because I know there are so many other talented builders and video editors around that would put this video to shame, but I think the video's message is a lot nicer than the product itself.

Us humans have gotten pretty far in terms of tech and our accomplishments as a whole, of course, we've only scratched the surface of what we can know, but in just a short amount of time, we've made leaps and bounds in advancements. I am also an avid metalhead, so I thought this song, The Galaxy by Dethklok, seemed very appropriate. This game is so much more than just a game, I bet it teaches people more about physics and aerodynamics and in a much more entertaining way than school ever could in my opinion. Especially when you take into account all the mods that give you specific details about what you're building and how you're flying, etc. It's a learning experience than just a super radical game.

So, this video is just a small showcase of our human endeavors, even our failures (in the beginning of the vid), into space and the worlds beyond our own through the vision of Kerbal Space Program. And as the song states, "This is the beginning, it's all starting now." Enjoy. :)

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