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possible improvement to the orbital path display

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iv been watching a few livestreams of late and its interesting that when looking at a orbital path ppl dont see orbits in 3d and think they are close when they are not

for eg when going to minmus ppl burn out to around where they think it is without seeing the exact info eg how high minmus is orbiting and there angle of view shows there path as its going higher but fail to realise that its on a dif plain and there crafts orbit has lower AP than minmus's orbit even tho there view as focused on the craft makes it look like its stretched past minmus's orbit

i was wondering if when you say select a target eg minmus it auto shows the basic orbital info of minmus and a dotted line and a faded glow from say minmus's orbit to your AP when it starts to get close that way ppl will be able to see how close they really are to its orbital path

Plz can there also be a hot key to make all your AP PE and info of your target show up in the map rather than trying to fiddle with clicking on the hit boxes for them too

the extra orbital display lines will make ppl who like to play more by eye rather than numbers have more enjoyment and less frustration

there are loads of extra things you could add to the orbital paths to make it more easier to understand and enjoyable

make it a option as i know there will be 100 people comment bellow telling you how dumb it is and why should we have a thing like that because they are pro and dont need it ... to stop that i can get to mimus and land on the surface without any graphics using just numbers these ideas are for the people who find it more fun to play without numbers of which there are many specially from what i have seen on twitch with the live streams

even my partner sarah doesnt understand the numbers but enjoys playing its partially her idea really after seeing a dif game homeworld for the sort of visual i mean when your changing your ship height on the map to intercept a ship on a dif height by holding shift you get that range grid effect with lines to it from all the objects on the battle field that line goes from the object to a circle to show where it is in relation to your inclination but rather than the object in ksp just from its orbital path and a yellow 1 to show you where it will be in relation to your closest point aswell i dont think it would be cluttered really and...

would make a very nice user friendly extra to finding a SOI without numbers and angles etc right?

im using a phone to type this so dont expect grammar auto correct enjoys using interesting words with grammar use

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I don't see the problem in what you describe.

- You can rotate the map view and see the orbit (actual or planned) in many directions, providing sufficient 3D information. Drag the mouse with right mouse button pressed for that.

- When you select your destination as target, further information pops up, particularly inclination markers/lines and closest encounter markers. Left-click on your destination and select "Select as Target".

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