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How do you KSP?


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What mods do you use and why? Tell us what mods have been game making and game breaking for you.

I'm starting a new KSP build and have selected the following (RAM dependent of coarse)


Deadly reentry

Kerbal alarm clock

Procedural fairings

Procedural wings (if FAR compatible)

Visual enhancements

Memory reduction


Kerbal attachment system

Kerbal joint reinforcement

Some kind of shuttle pack

Some kind of station pack

Some kind of life support mod

FTMN atomic rockets

Kerbal engineer redux

Texture replacer

I plan on spending a lot of time building stations and such since work has left only enough time for short missions. So how do you KSP?

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Considering I am running at a minimum 54 different mods I'm not going to list them all (I just counted the different folders in my Game Data minus the Squad folder, I might not actually be running 54, but it's more than 40) I build to have fun, and push the limits.

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I run a lot of mods, about as many as 32-bit Unity lets me, but the main ones are AIES Aerospace, Active Memory Reduction, BOSS (3xSS makes for good wallpapers :D), Visual Enhancements (no city lights), Editor Extensions, EnhancedNavBall, FASA, KerbalJointReinforcement, KSPX, KW Rocketry, asmi's EC Life Support System, MechJeb, NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment HUD, RCS Sounds (so I can hear what I'm doing), udk_lethal_d0se's 2.5 meter station parts, RealChute, SelectRoot, TextureReplacer and TweakableEverything.

Career mode hasn't hit home with me, since all the mods I like and use seem to skew my progress somewhat, but when I eventually dive into it, I'll probably add Deadly Reentry to my list.

I spend most of my KSP time building and serving stations, and the mods above make for a good, solid orbital platform :cool: I'm a sandbox-kind-of-guy, but even though KSP lets me build madman contraptions and put them in orbit, I prefer to keep it clean and simple, and spend lots and lots of time designing and assembling awesome orbital labs etc. That's how I KSP :D

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