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[Web project] KSP configurable pre-launch Checklist


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I guess everyone of us has launched some probes or ships into space that turned out to be a modern trashcan (sometimes with Kerbals in it), simply because it was missing some very crucial parts, like solar panels, a Kethane drill, batteries, you name it.

Recently I launched a Kethane miner and right when I decided to land on Pol (in the Joolian system) I noticed that I am missing something: A Kethane drill. So again: Launch a new Kethane mining ship and put it in a Jool-Transfer-Orbit. And to fasten things up I decided to launch another mission, a Kethane miner to Duna. They both had one thing in common: They did not have a Kethane storage apparatus. Three missions wasted (plus time).

That was when I decided that I need a checklist. Some checklists I have seen so far are very static (except the plugin I have seen), so the vision was, that the user selects the mission targets for the craft he is building, and the web page produces all necessary items on that checklists.

So, here is the result: Pages hosted on github. (Project on github, GPLv3)

Maybe some of you find it helpful.

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