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(WIP) Prometheus IV (Slight stargate inspiration)


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My first post but far from my first ship, i wanted to share my latest and incredibly complex build, the Prometheus IV. This thing is a massively oversized ship that should be capable of unlimited interstellar flight providing the the vtol landing on any given moon test works. it has an array of nuclear engines for space flight and 6 linear areospike vtol engines.

On to the pics

outside with bob and his ne ship


EVA from cockpit


front vtol engine bay


exploration pod capable of landing and orbit on kerbin so should be good on just about all others


center of the ship, showing kethane drill and converters for use when vtol landing on a moon for refuel


rover attached to winch hanging in the center of the ship


top floor behind the cockpit showing some of the fuel tanks (orange part of the walls)


I'll be uploading the craft file once i have all the robotics sorted out (there are alot) and i write up a user manual, also I'll be making a zip containing the parts used as there are a lot of parts packs used but only a little from each and no sense to slow down your computer.

WARNING this craft is large (430 parts) and may slow your game down.

What do you guys think?

Edited by blitz2190
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If you're going to include the parts, you might want to talk to the mod authors to make sure they're okay with you redistributing a modified version of their files.

i haven't modified any but i will ask before i do the zip and in the mean time will compile a list of the parts packs

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