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Saturn V Rocket, Apollo 11 Replica


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I believe the only mod parts used were from KW Rocketry and B9 Aerospace

The Downside

A work in progress, once you begin the gravity turn its like a wet spaghetti noodle but isn't really a serious problem until you jettison the first stage then you have to control the flip, nothing a few well placed struts wont fix. Also due to structural reasons (it was a super noodle with them) I had to remove the docking ports so you basically just do the rendezvous without docking and hop back into the command pod, another thing is unlike its real life counterpart it is a 1 seat command pod and a 1 seat lander so its a solo mission. The reason I chose not to have the 2 seat lander and 3 man command pod was aesthetics and there was no way I was going to be able to add objects that size inside the fairings... and no rover. :(

Besides my main goal was the Saturn V rocket itself, payload came second lol.

The Upside

It is highly efficient, I had about 20 seconds worth of fuel left over from the second stage and the tank the third stage was a about 1/3 full so you have plenty of possible Delta V for course corrections and could possibly reach as far as Laythe but your kerbal wont be coming home. It has a fully functioning abort stage with 4 Separation motors along with the Service modules main engine (the one that is meant to send you back to Kerbin) all other engines are shut down and once you are in the clear from debris hitting 0 will free the command pod and deploy the chutes.

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Edited by JTDismang
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