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How do I get kerbals out of a hab module or lab?

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The underlying issue is that Kerbal portraits only show up in the lower right when the part they're inside actually has an interior model. If the part doesn't have an interior yet, then you get no portrait. In such cases, you do as Claw said and left-click on the part's hatch, which will bring up a pop-up menus showing which Kerbals are inside, and you can select the name off that for the guy you want to EVA.

At present, I think the new Mobile Lab is the only stock part currently without an interior. It'll get one soon I'm sure. The Hitchhiker can only got an interior in 0.21 or 0.22 I think. There are also quite a few mod parts without interiors. The main issue with such parts is forgetting where you put the Kerbals and having to knock on many doors until you find them :)

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For an unknown reason, I cannot get the left-click menu to appear. I'm running .23 on a mac, it must be a bug of some sort. I'll move to the proper sub-forum thingywhatsit.

edit: I may just download crew manifest and avoid the problem.

Edited by meatballcannon
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I've found the hatch has a very small clickable area which often seems to be off near the lower right corner. Try moving the cursor around over the surface of the hatch clicking in different spots until you get the menu. But as Kryxal said, sometimes you have to get in pretty close to the hatch to get it to work.

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I don't mean to be overly obvious, but also make sure you loaded kerbals into the pods before launch. They do not load by default.

I don't know about the mac version, but on the pc version you can right click on the pod and it will tell you if there is crew onboard. It says something like "1/1 crewmembers".

Also on the pc version, if you hover the mouse over the hatch, it will highlight and tell you that you are actually on the hatch. Then you can left click.

Good luck

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For some reason it is sometimes very hard to click on the hatch in 0.23. When you put the mouse pointer at the right spot, a hint 'crew hatch' appears. Only then the menu with crew members inside appears after you click. But sometimes it requires quite a lot of patience to find the right spot.

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