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JumpSteak Industries MB Improved Munar Rocket

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Introducing.... the first from JumpSteak Industries- our brand new Munar rocket, the MunarBalistic! With years of hard Research and Development, JumpSteak industries as selected the best componants and contractors to bring you the finest in Orbital and Munar transport! Featuring our patened Mk II pod with it\'s spacious interior, volumous fuel capacity and state-of-the-art flight systems, this rocket will serve you well in all your travels...providing you don\'t let Jeb control your Munar Descent.

The first stage of our rocket features our patented \'fuel tanks as legs\' design to provide you with the stability on the launch pad that you so desire, as well as providing that extra precious few kilometers on your inital boost! The legs also hold stabilising gyro rockets, to keep you flying where you want to go! All this coupled with 5 Kriffun-1a liquid fueled engines from Sky Penetration Co. gives you the power to go anywhere!

The Second stage of our rocket comprises of another Kriffun-1a and stabilising rockets, and comes into action at an altitude of roughly 26,000 meters. With this high poweder engine and over 90 seconds of burn time, you can easily establish a low orbit or be wel on your way to a higher one with this baby!

The third stage, used for final orbital corrections and Munar operations, consistes of a high efficiency Atlas IV engine from Industrial Flames and Explosions inc. and not 2, not 4, but 16 DTS-18 disposable drop tanks from White Monkey Kithenware and Space Parts Factory. With those puppies on board you get an extra 288 units of fuel, when combined with the Atlas engine this equates to quite a bit of extra burn time!

The final piece, our lander module, comprises of a...errm... generic module we most certainly did not buy from pirates, combined with a the very best assorted lander parts from the best manufacturers!

Note: Prototype not available due to Jeb\'s total lack of piloting ability


Launh Pad shot


Under Way


Seperation of first stage!


Second Stage gone!


Last known shot of prototype Lander


WMKSPF 0.3.2

Probodobodyne Construction Kit 0.4

KSP Silisko Edition 1.2

IFE 1.4.1

Down Under Aerospace & Party Supplies 0.3

cBBp Sky Penetration Co. Produces pack 0.4

I don\'t know if ALL these mods are in this rocket but they are all the ones I use... so might help if you have them all :S

Happy flying!

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