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Looking for a time acceleration calculator.


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Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has made a time acceleration calculator, something that you put the number of years/days in (ideally both) and the level of time acceleration you are at, and give you a real world equivelent. This would be great because if you are waiting for 5 years to get to a node, you could set an alarm on your phone and come back just in time. I have mechjeb piloting it but I still like to be there for the burns.

I thought it would work to guess it was in minutes and seconds for years/days, but I set an alarm for three minutes and only one year passed (roughly). It does seem right though when I was looking at in in just days, perhaps I just made a mistake.

Edited by XOIIO
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I would second the opinion of use kerbal alarm clock. you can set it to not only kill timewarp when it reaches the node but to also pause the game so even if your gone for an hour longer than needed you still wont have missed your node. although I cant think of any transfer window off the top of my head that would need a 5 year wait other than a weierd one like minimum energy transfer from jool to eeloo or something. that could take a while for a perfect alignment.

That said you can get a quick guestimate of how much real time is needed for a few standard lengths of time on the KSP wiki on timewarp. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Time_warp table at botom of the page.

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