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Kerbol's asteroid belt, Version 0.2 Released! Perseus Fixed!


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*stares at Berania's CFG*

Must... Think of... Name...

But other then that I've been thinking of how the moons are gunna be, so far it goes:

Moon 1: planet sized moon with an atmosphere of soup and a giant mountain poking up into the upper atmosphere, possibly the only hope of escape from said moon :P

Moon (mun?) 2: an atmosphere less rock around the size of the Mün but with a different color and height map, an ordinary rock basically :P

Moon 3: an large moon with an atmosphere with a density between that of Duna's and Kerbin's, but with several mountains reaching out of the atmosphere.

Moon 4: a mid sized moon with a smaller moon orbiting it.

Moon 4.5: maybe a tiny laythe like world (tons of greenhouse gases?)

Moon 5: a large Tylo like world, this moon will eat your rockets :sticktongue:

Moon 6-8: asteroids.

I can't garentee all of these will make it into the mod but I'll try :)

*continues staring at Berania*

I think it would work better if we replaced Moon 1 with something else... The giant mountain Idea has been slightly overused I think. Also moons 4 and 4.5... We don't really need another moon with a moon orbiting it... This combination has been proven to be unstable in most cases. In the rare case that it actually occurs, it would have to be a tiny one, like the old magic boulder!

Replacement suggestions:

Moon 1: Replace this with a high inclination captured gas dwarf, at the very edge of the SOI (Basically a kerbin sized gas giant at the edge of the SOI)

Moon 4/4.5: Maybe a small asteroid orbiting in a very close near polar orbit of the Gas Giant

Otherwise: Good Luck!

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I think it would work better if we replaced Moon 1 with something else... The giant mountain Idea has been slightly overused I think. Also moons 4 and 4.5... We don't really need another moon with a moon orbiting it... This combination has been proven to be unstable in most cases. In the rare case that it actually occurs, it would have to be a tiny one, like the old magic boulder!

Replacement suggestions:

Moon 1: Replace this with a high inclination captured gas dwarf, at the very edge of the SOI (Basically a kerbin sized gas giant at the edge of the SOI)

Moon 4/4.5: Maybe a small asteroid orbiting in a very close near polar orbit of the Gas Giant

Otherwise: Good Luck!

I was thinking of putting 4 near the edge of the soi, or far from Berania, since its soi is probably gunna be huge :P

I guess I could make moon 1 a planet with a liquid in craters, but that means I'll have to either severely edit a height map and color map, or create it from scratch, probably the latter, and I'm not good at drawing.

I'm not a big fan of the binary gas giants option, since one would only be orbiting the other, without making a central "binary center" and having both orbit it, which becomes a pain after a while, and I'll have the urge to add moons to the second gas giant too.

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I was thinking of putting 4 near the edge of the soi, or far from Berania, since its soi is probably gunna be huge :P

I guess I could make moon 1 a planet with a liquid in craters, but that means I'll have to either severely edit a height map and color map, or create it from scratch, probably the latter, and I'm not good at drawing.

I'm not a big fan of the binary gas giants option, since one would only be orbiting the other, without making a central "binary center" and having both orbit it, which becomes a pain after a while, and I'll have the urge to add moons to the second gas giant too.

Well, technically, if a gas dwarf is light enough, like say: Kepler 11f, orbiting at the edge of a Jupiter mass gas giant, it would shift the center of mass just enough to give a noticeable change, but not enough to call a binary! Not surprising considering how big Jupiters SOI is (48.2 Gigameters [Well, for it's distance from the sun])! Converting this to a KSP scale, a light gas dwarf could easily orbit at that distance, especially when it is taken into account that Jools SOI is is (Acording to the wiki) 2.4559852 Gigameters, and multiplying that by 10 due to real life distances we find that Jool has an SOI roughly 2 times smaller than KSP scale Jupiters. So, knowing that Saturn orbits the sun 1.84 times the distance of Jupiter (1,433,000,000 km, compared to Jupiters 778,500,000 km) We can safely assume that a body orbiting 2 times further away from Kerbol than Jool, would be able to house an Kepler 11f sized body orbiting at the edge of its SOI without much change to the COM!

Anyways if you still want to stick to your original idea, that's fine. Just thought I'd do the math for you :D! Thanks for listening, and thanks for such a great mod!

Edited by Spacepetscompany
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Bug Report: I have several Planet Factory mods installed, and lighting works correctly on all planets..... Except this packs....


Any Idea why that would happen? I do have a lot of mods installed, but it seems unlikely to be a conflict... Running KSP v.0.24.2 x64

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry ive been away from the forums for a while, and i managed to get distracted from working on the mod,

even worse, i still have no name for berania.

... what the... wha...?

aight, now im really gunna have to go over each letter of the cfg files, i dont know why it would have the light sideways.

but right now the only idea i might have is that maybe in involves where i copied the cfg from, i know i copied it fro-... i mightve come up with the answer just writing here,

iirc i copied the Serious system, and made the mod from there, and one of the asteroids doesnt have a full cfg file, like Serious (why its like this i dont know) i dont remember which one it is on hand, but it should be a very short cfg with just orbit, name, description, and stuff like that, nothing about PQS (which im also now realising was a dumb move on my part) so maybe since it doesnt have the full cfg, it doesnt know where to get light from for whatever reason, it might be as simple as replacing a cfg.

im going out on a limb, since ive found that alot of the issues i have in this mod is caused by something i wouldnve even thought would matter (Im looking at you, Perseus!)

thanks for the bug report and sorry for my rambling, ill try to get time to look at it tonight, if i can not get distracted playing civ beyond earth.

which one is that by the way? in case im completely wrong and a random asteroid is receiving light from a ghost star or something.

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Ah, alright then. Good to see you back by the way! Name suggestion for Bernia: Icknuss... Randomly came up with this just now, it seems like a nice name!

Also, would you perhaps consider integrating this mod into yours? It's a real gem which unfortunately seems to be dead now...... The license is Creative Commons, so no restrictions there... Just wondering if you'd be willing to undertake this. The scope of both mods appears to be similar and I truly hope you will consider doing this, but if you can't I won't blame you. It's been sitting in the dust bin for quite a while!

In any case, best of luck to you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

ah, it appears to just be a rendering glitch with the _map, which i guess renders as the planet when farther away, it faded away to the planets proper surface when i got near.

but i did get a picture from the surface, dunno why the atmosphere isnt there, but maybe i can fix that.


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That's one scary looking planet there, kinda disappointing that it wasn't all screwy on the surface. As for atmosphere, I've been reading a lot of the custom planet threads lately and atmosphere is one thing people are having a lot of trouble with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm just wondering... I saw this on the Community Mods and Plugins forum page and was like "oo, want" but its for PFCE, which is known for its endless hunger for RAM... I've used Kopernikus and Star Systems (SS seems to be... having issues with launching properly...) I was wondering if you would consider porting to Kopernicus? As far as I know, it's all configs to, so there wouldn't be much needed to make it compatible with it.

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I'm just wondering... I saw this on the Community Mods and Plugins forum page and was like "oo, want" but its for PFCE, which is known for its endless hunger for RAM... I've used Kopernikus and Star Systems (SS seems to be... having issues with launching properly...) I was wondering if you would consider porting to Kopernicus? As far as I know, it's all configs to, so there wouldn't be much needed to make it compatible with it.

Okay, ill see what I can do! :)

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ive looked at kopernicus, and i see its intention, but from what ive read, it somehow uses RSS to modify the terrain, and yes i know it doesnt make them realsized :P im not sure exactly how it works, unless i read it completely wrong and it works exactly the same as before :P

in other news, school has been getting in the way lately (or when i have free time it escapes my mind) but im (hopefully) going to do a bit of work on this today after school (die, math homework!) unless my teachers decide its one of those days and unleash the homework tsunami. :)

edit: heading home now. :D

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