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Waking up in a world unlike any Earth... On Earth


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Hey guys, i wanted to present this situation to you so ready your eyes and thought processes!

Year 2027:

The space program has been extremely unused, not much progress has been made, but the cryonics labratories throughout the world have commercialized freezing yourself for years at a time! So you indeed pay for a freeze-induced sleep/coma, for about $100,000 for 150 years, and you lay in the chryo-tube and slowly fall to sleep.

Year 2089- The awakening:

The unknown sense you awaken to is astonishing, as your eyes sear from the red light flashing in front of you, after being asleep for over 60 years. The noises around you seem to have a female voice, scrambled and unrecognizable until it is drowned out and silenced. The screen above you says "Power outage" for a few seconds before turning off. You finally reclaim your limbs, and you pull the lever to open the tube, and you stumble out of your tube, and fall to the floor, working your legs to wake them up, you are cold, extremely cold. You begin to thaw as the biochemicals begin to drain from your body. As you regain your vision, you begin to notice something about this that isn't right, everything around you is broken frayed, and destroyed... So, indeed this seems like a very bad situation to be in, but what would you do if this happened? What do you think humanity would have done in order to prevent extinction from thermonuclear war? Leave your comments in the comments section (see what i did there?) and let me know! :)

Edited by MrZayas1
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  MrZayas1 said:
So, indeed this seems like a very bad situation to be in, but what would you do if this happened?

*falls to his knees screaming*: You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

What do you think humanity would have done in order to prevent extinction from thermonuclear war?

Well... first of all I'd think all the physicists who said thermonuclear war wouldn't cause global extinction were wrong. Ha! Then I'd probably think I shouldn't have done the cryo-thing, because obviously I was the one supposed to stop the nuclear war and I wasn't there. I'd probably be depressed with that and maybe go back and freeze myself for another 1000 years.

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