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Multistage Air Launch

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Multistage Air Launch

The Story

KSC ran out of money for the development of SSTO's so Jeb instantly presented his idea: Multistage Air Launch! It includes a spaceplane which is mounted on another spaceplane which is mounted on another spaceplane and so on - the possibilities are endless and it is as reusable as a classic SSTO while being able to bring more various (and larger) payloads into orbit. His idea was instantly accepted by the KSC when it was realised that although more resources will be required, less research will be required and as such the cost will be much less. But due to budget cuts, all engineers currently employed by the KSC quit because their pay has been delayed for months. So the KSC started a competition. Will you do it?

The Rules

You have to build a spaceplane which takes off horizontally from the runway and is mounted at least on one other craft - e.g. it should have at least two stages. It should be able to bring cargo or passengers into orbit and all stages (excluding rocket stages attached to the top stage or any droppable stages such as boosters if they are present) must possess wings and have the capability to land back on Kerbin, preferably on Land or even at the KSC. All parts mods may be used and MechJeb may be used for stabilisation but of course no Cheats or HyperEdit is allowed.

First stage must always be propelled by air-breathing or mixed engines (RAPIERS and SABRES). It should be stated what mods are used.

Screenshots must be provided:

on the Runway

after takeoff

during any staging events

with the F3 screen after any separation of the first winged stage to measure the speed attained

during any other important occasions

after reaching orbit

during the completion of the task the uppermost stage is made for

during the landing of any winged stage (Multiple flights may be used. Just switch to the stage after you separated it and land it.)

The Points

5 points per every Kerbal that is brought into orbit although the vehicle doesn't have to be manned.

10 points per every ton of payload brought into orbit.

20 points for every stage used.

20 points for every manned stage used.

30 points if first stage can be supersonic.

20 points per every mach number reached by the first stage.

20 points if the uppermost winged stage (the spaceplane) lands at KSC.

50 points if any discarded stage lands at KSC.

The Leaderboard











May the Challenge begin!

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Have you tried this yourself? In the past I have had trouble with this sort of thing because once one vehicle gets out of physics range of the other (2.5km), the one that I'm not controlling disappears.

This only happens if you are below 22km. If you design your ship well enough you could theoretically put your apoapsis high enough so that Plane A continues to ascend to apoapsis (Ideally into orbit) while Plane B is either A: piloted back to land (Though this would take mad skillz) or B): also drift to apoapsis but will not circularize. Or C: Both aircraft achieve orbit.

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This is very possible. Here are some pictures of The Scorpion. It's capable of launching the space plane into orbit and returning. The space plane establishes in an on-rails stable orbit before leaving physics range. (It nearly gets there with the lifter.) After landing the carrier, you can switch back to the orbiter and circularize the orbit.

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Although I don't have all the proof you're asking for. Just showing it's possible.

Edited by Claw
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I have an idea for this one, I'll let you guys know if it pans out... *evil grin*

Edit: Didn't pan out. Generally speaking, its a very unstable idea to use a catapult to propel yourself when the catapult in question is airborne.

Yeah, you heard that right. I was going to make my second last stage a catapult. Like, a 12th century siege weapon, powered by infernal robotics parts.

Edited by Ryu Gemini
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I said that you can do separate flights - e.g. take off one time and do a flight where you switch to the relevant stage when it's expended, land it and then revert to launch and do the same with the next stage until you have the evidence that all stages are capable of landing again.

Didn't you read this? You don't need to operate two vehicles at the same time!

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Well, I decided to throw together something as a simplified practice run for a project I plan to work on at some point over the next few weeks or months.

4 stages, only final is manned. First is Balloons and props (Hooligans and firespitter parts), which can easily get you somewhere else to really "launch". Second stage is turbojets. During this stage, the twin tails fold out to the side and become wings instead (infernal robotics parts). Third stage is a KW rocketry solid fuel rocket (that ended up being stronger then needed, actually). And the last stage is just a tank and an inefficient but powerful KW engine with a 4k battery tank and a bunch of SAS pieces.

As it wasn't a really serious project and just to practice a few of the concepts I need for later, it isn't terribly efficient or great at being what it is. I am also missing some of the images necessary too. But it works, and I do like the transforming tail-wing bit.





The project this is practice for btw, is a mechanically accurate Highwind Airship. As in, it is planned to have BOTH transformations that the Highwind has during the story of Final Fantasy 7 (both "jet airship" mode AND the other mode they tack on during the ending sequence). Infernal robotics parts expertise will be necessary, given the level of oddity in the Highwind's design.

No seriously, upon actual study, the Highwind is one of the most Kerbal things I have ever seen outside of Kerbal Space Program. Lots of things opening and bending during the jet transformation. And during the final transformation, the bridge actually retracts upwards into the main body of the vessel and wings unfold outwards. Oh, and it has lots of struts, just like any true kerbal kontraption should have. I'll link some images without the auto-image thing since its not so much on topic (and potentially spoilery) but it basically goes from this.


to this.


In fact, if I am lucky, whatever I end up with may well qualify for this challenge.

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