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KSP Won't Let Me Change My Config Settings

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I've been having a bit of an ocean-lag problem on eve and Laythe, so to fix it I've been attempting to change the config files to lessen the lag.

However, everytime I try to save the newly adjusted config files a pop-up appears and says "Access Denied".

Anyone know how to fix this?

Edited by Thomas988
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You probably don't have the permissions set correctly for your KSP directory.

I don't know about mac, but if you're using Windows, there's a couple things to check.

Right click on your settings.cfg file and select properties. Somewhere in there (depending on your windows version) is an "attributes" section that says "Read Only". Make sure "Read Only" is NOT check marked.

If that doesn't work, go to your KSP directory, right click and go to properties. Exactly where you need to go will depend on your version of windows, but you're looking for a "security" tab. Click on that and edit the permissions for all users. You can allow all users "full access" to the files (or whatever level you deem appropriate for each user). It might take a couple minutes to apply those properties.

I don't think KSP locks the file when you launch, but you might also want to make sure you close out KSP before saving.

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