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Transmission oddity

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I'm trying to transmit a surface sample, but I don't have enough electric charge to do it all at once. It sends 10 data, and I get 10 science from that. Then it pauses as I recharge, and starts sending it back 2 data at a time. The first time it does this it gives me 1.5 science, but the rest of the times it says I'm getting 0.0.

Other than giving it a more reliable source of electricity, is there any way to fix this? Is this intended? Am I getting science from it even though it says 0.0? Or should I just cancel transmission after the second packet is sent?

Edited by Jodo42
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I'd say especially more batteries ... more solar panels might give you better throughput, but it's probably easier to wait for recharge between transmissions than put up with broken-up transmissions.

Oh, and the 200 and 1k batteries are easy enough to attach to the Mk 1 command pod (200 right above and parachute doesn't seem to mind, 1k below and likely under a decoupler).

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There's a trick you can use if you've already designed your ship, though I think it might be a bug rather than intended behavior. Start your transmission, then turn on time warp. The rate of power generation will scale up, but the speed at which the antenna is transmitting won't. Unless you've got way too few solar panels, going up to 5x or 10x should slow the transmission speed enough that your ship can keep up.

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