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[0.90WIP] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em 0.9.21, Dec 19


Would you prefer decouplers to:  

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  1. 1. Would you prefer decouplers to:

    • Closely as possible follow stock behaviour
    • Have a sensible relation between size, decoupler force, and mass

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Ok... SO PF 3.01 + PP you DON'T need to delete any DLLs. In fact you shouldn't.

If you install both out-of-the-box and it still isn't working do let me know.

That's what I'm saying. Just to be sure, I redownloaded both mods, installed both, and now Procedural Parts doesn't work correctly. Starting a new vessel, I am unable to change textures; the GUI button doesn't appear at all. Loading up a saved vessel appears to work at first glance, but if you want to move parts around the stack nodes are stuck at their original default positions, and again there's no option to change textures.

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I notice that the procedural heat shields have the same mass no matter how much or little ablative surface you select. I would think that the bulk of the mass of a heat shield is the ablation, and that cranking that down would lower the mass?

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It seems that the intersection of procedural fairings and procedural tanks produces a scalloped shape?


Regular tanks (and the old stretchy tanks) produced the expected circular intersection.


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  • Improvements to heat-shields - proper scaling
  • Compatibility with procedural fairings

    I've also done some work on RealFuels, have submitted a patch to RFS and am awaiting their release. In the mean time if you'd like to use real fuels, try downloading this patch and installing it over a Real Fuels 5.3.
    Details of my changes to RF are here
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I notice that the procedural heat shields have the same mass no matter how much or little ablative surface you select. I would think that the bulk of the mass of a heat shield is the ablation, and that cranking that down would lower the mass?

They have the same 'dry' mass no matter how much ablative shielding you have, which is the same as the normal DRE heatshields. Without shielding, it should weigh 0.2t, then add on 1t for every 1000 units of ablative shielding.

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Is there no option for empty structural fuselages like there was with StretchySRBs? Or is it now it's own separate part in the structural tab?

EDIT: Answered my own question. Didn't realize these and the RCS tanks were separated.

Edited by Castun
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They have the same 'dry' mass no matter how much ablative shielding you have, which is the same as the normal DRE heatshields. Without shielding, it should weigh 0.2t, then add on 1t for every 1000 units of ablative shielding.

That's not what I experienced. I saw it having a fixed mass no matter how much shielding i used (200-2000 units of shielding).

Edit: Sorry. I am now seeing this after I restarted KSP. Not sure what was different yesterday, but this totally works now.

Edited by Phredward
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yay/nay on b9 integration? :| (look above)

Sorry, was getting to that. Currently, the only tank shapes you can get are ones that have circular cross sections, eg cones, cylinders, spheres. When swamp_ig starts working on extruded shapes, then we can have all sorts of magical procedural parts.

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Is there no option for empty structural fuselages like there was with StretchySRBs? Or is it now it's own separate part in the structural tab?

EDIT: Answered my own question. Didn't realize these and the RCS tanks were separated.

There's a structural part in the structural tab.

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This is a fairly minor release, you can probably skip it unless you use Modular Fuel Tanks or Extraplanetary Launchpads.

If you use MFT, Download this, delete the modularFuelTanks.dll and copy in the RealFuels versions.

Existing tanks will automatically detect and use MFT.

If you use EPL, then this update will enable the manifest screen thing to update as you tweak the tanks.

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hey swamp, there may be something up with the tech limiting code at least on fuel and RCS tanks, not 100% sure (could be a mod incompatibility), but it seems like randomly i can make an infinitely large tank, well beyond my current tech limit, but then if the craft is saved and reloaded, the sizes revert to the tech limit and the whole thing is broken - its a weird one because i cant seem to reproduce any clear identifiable steps to get to that infinite build point

i dont have meta materials and my current build limit is for instance 6000L for an RCS Tank

I had made the bottom vessel at first adding the normal tech limited size of RCS tank 2.5m, then started adding normal things on to it, radial rcs engines, rcs blocks, batteries, lights - then saved it - then somehow was able to make it infinitely longer, extended it down to the length in the below image, but the diameter was still 2.5m

saved it fine, then reloaded it and thats what i get, everything radial is off of it, the diameter is now tech limited, weird


Edited by skbernard
added image
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I'm sorry but the latest update (0.9.10) broke PP for me. I did not override but deleted the old folder and copied the new version.

Things not working:

  • resizing (length & diameter)
  • changing texture (not found)
  • volume is always 0
  • mass is missing
  • shape cannot be changed

This is true for all variants (fuel, xenon, life support, rcs, kethane)


I suppose I messed up, but don't know how to fix it :(

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