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Exporting from Cinema4d / help getting part into game!

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I'm trying to sort my first part (bless!). Simple little delta-wing. But I just can't get it in-game. First it was showing up in the loading screen. Then it was showing up PINK in the loading screen. Now it just doesn't load.

Modified the collision mesh to be rounded, incase the shape was throwing it off, but no.

Not sure on my node values, am kinda playing-by-ear.

Am exporting as .obj, but have also tried .dae (which caused the same 'model on loading screen', but in a different position). Still no luck. Files attached. Help desperately appreciated, coz this is gonna drive me do-lally.

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First, I suggest you make you collision mesh a box. Second, did you put the texture for the deltawing color on the wing and the node_collider. Third, how are you exporting? Did you turn off the single matrix and turn the axis to Y-Up?

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i got the same issue with the model showing up covering the entire screen area

when i go to the assembly building the part is classified as mysterious node and there is no little thumbnail model thing showing

the last part did not happen when i used a cfg file from a part that came with the game

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  Darrknox said:

First, I suggest you make you collision mesh a box. Second, did you put the texture for the deltawing color on the wing and the node_collider. Third, how are you exporting? Did you turn off the single matrix and turn the axis to Y-Up?

1. Will do. 2. Yup. 3. C4D .obj export is very basic. Only 'scale' is adjustable. Game clearly can read the mesh, as it showed it to me on the loading screen!

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I messed with it and was able to get it in the game without it crashing. I renamed the materials, so there were no dashes or underscores. I changed the texture so it was a power of 2 1024x1024. I deleted the third mesh in your group, and renamed the deltawing mesh from 'node_collider' to 'deltawing' and made a box and called it node collider. I also exported with these settings in 3ds max. I'm not sure which of these solved your problem, but would suggest figuring out which one.


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Something's definitely up there - that's the collider you've attached to the capsule! And what third mesh? Do you mean the DAE? I included that to show how the other attempt went.... it's not in the directory at the moment. In the .obj there's only two meshs - deltaWing and collider_node. I've even tried opening it up in blender (downloaded tonight - do NOT know my way around it, lol) and there's still only the two meshes.

Anyway, back to C4d I went. Deleted my old collider_node, replaced it with a box. Moved it down in the hierarchy to below DeltaWing. Applied the texture to it (resized to 512². Damned C4D didn't mention it was saving it rectangularly...). Renamed texture image to remove underscore. C4D already uses Y as up and is set to use m as units.

Screenshot of setup and current state of folder attached, 'coz it's still not working...

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The third mesh was this little dummy node that said 'delta wing.' You can ignore that if it was another attempt.

It seems the only difference between our two folder is the Collada DAE Format, and the program exporting. Try a .DAE again.

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Will do tomorrow (2am, here) - could you just check you're not getting some weird 3rd mesh in there? Got me curious now...

(And I do appreciate your assistance - thanks!)

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Tried as DAE, didn't work. So I decided to do some troubleshooting...

I renamed Winglet2.obj to KSPDeltaWingb.obj to make sure my .cfg file and texture were acceptable. Game was quite happy with them.

Next I imported Winglet2 into C4d and then exported it into .obj as KSPDeltaWingb.obj, to check the output of C4D against a known-working model. Didn't work.

Next I exported Winglet2 as a .dae to see if that worked. It didn't.

Si I opened Blender and imported Winglet2 into there, and did the same as above - exported as .obj and .dae. Neither worked.

Conclusion: Neither C4D nor Blender is capable of outputting files that are acceptable to KSP. Bugger.

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Ok, a bit more fiddling got winglet exported as a DAE and into the game. Now to replace the mesh with my own...


Wot I did do: Exported my model from C4D (my modelling environment) as .obj. Import that .obj into Blender. Rename the mesh origins to the same as the mesh! Unlink any materials that came with it. Create and assign new, empty, materials. Export as DAE. In she goes!

Now just to do nodes, and to make a proper material. Brilliant.

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