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[cb_co] Raynos Zoid Mech (New kOS Walking/VTOL Video)


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4.2 is back up. dear god getting the fuel to drain was hard. It's not pretty, but all the fuel drains, and the vtol engines will fire til the very end. long distance flight is back.

You wanna see some crazy sht, try and follow the fuel lines on this thing

Edited by clown_baby
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  • 10 months later...

I know it's a long shot, but I'm looking for anyone who may have downloaded my Raynos craft back in the day and still has the craft/custom cockpit.

It was lost with my old computer.

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  Parallax said:
i think you might have sent me one of those red dinosaur things a while ago, could that be it?

Thanks dude I PM's you.

  soulreaver1981 said:
i'm sad to say i dont have the craftfile any more.

try using something like mediafire for your new crafts.

its free up to 50 gb,

if been uploading sins 0.18 and i'm only using 19,9 mb up to now and al my crafts are stil in there

Yeah thanks anyway. I use mediafire now. I don't even remember what I used to use but it deleted all my files after a month or whatever.

I don't even need the zoid or gundam crafts. Its just the custom feet and cockpits took me a while to make. I guess I'll have to redo them.

At least it will keep my blender skills in shape.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  radmp41 said:
Hey Clown_Baby, I happen to find this Zoid Raynos from MRK III to MRK IIII [4.2]. I'll shoot you a copy in a moment.

Ahhhhh what!?! Dude you are seriously the best. I can't thank you enough. I'll send you a the Gundam in my lastest video today too.

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The tweak tools weren't a thing the last time I touched this or the Gundam, it's astonishing how much easier it is now. Everything is much quicker too.

I got the day off tomorrow, I hope you're ready for a Gundam vs Zoid combat videos. If that sounds like something you'd wanna watch rep the guy above me for making it possible.


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  • 2 weeks later...

First look at the new Raynos. It's being flown by the AI, and handles pretty well. It needs improvements, but I wanna show it off. I think it looks really good, I'm proud of the wings. Usually I try not to use tweakscale, but since the IR requires it anyway, I've been using it more than usual. Mostly the wings, but they are both winglets, and might be able to fold up.

Not the best combat, but good first look.


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  Trollkowski said:
Would be incredible if you could make it fold in it's wings but it's already incredible as is, great job!

The very first comment on this thread. Well guess what amigo, I finally did it. The wings can fold up into a storage/VTOL position. They can also be moved while flying to affect the turn. I'm testing it out on twitch right now. It's pretty great.



Done now. The last broadcast is saved. A little laggy still. Here's a much better one.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So I'm figuring out kOS for the Raynos.  My first two programs allow it to walk and achieve VTOL takeoff autonomously. 

The walking program.

  • Locks heading to current heading
  • Inverts the leg servos for walking (Thanks to u/ozin for this bit)
  • Moves the legs back and forth as many times as it is told (10 in the video)
  • When the walking program is completed the legs move back to center
  • Leg servos return to uninverted for flight.

The VTOL program

  • Calculates the target altitude for transformation (allowing the program to work no matter where or what altitude you need to launch from)
  • Locks into the current heading, at a pitch of -5
  • Rotates the engine down
  • Limits the top engine to 7
  • Activates both engines
  • Once the target altitude is achieved, the top engine is unlimited and the legs transform to flying position. Pitch is changed to 15
  • When the top engine reaching target thrust the bottom engine is rotated up to flying postion
  • When the target velocity is achieve, the craft is handed over to BDarmory autopilot




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