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Anybody know any good FREE webserver programs?


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I cannot work with free hosts anymore, they say 99.9% up time but it\'s 40.9% up time.

This is why I want to host the site myself I keep my computer on 24/7 so it don\'t matter.

Do not recommend XAMPP that webserver program does not use my IP.

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It sure does use your IP. The problem is that your probably behind a NAT. Are you also aware that most ISP\'s frown upon running a server and it can get your account terminated.


Capt\'n Skunky

But it isn\'t against their terms...

Of course they reserve the right to suspend/terminate my services...

I still can\'t afford a host and WILL not deal with free hosts.

Now to get they\'re business service...

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You can\'t afford as little as $3.50 a month? You don\'t know anybody that already has hosting and is willing to hook you up?


Capt\'n Skunky

Well most of my friends moved out of my sucky neighborhood...

Plus after the shooting on my block I\'n not supposed to go outside.

The ones that stayed are now my enemies...

Ah well..

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Well most of my friends moved out of my sucky neighborhood...

Plus after the shooting on my block I\'n not supposed to go outside.

The ones that stayed are now my enemies...

Ah well..

Just like me! but not the shooting, good thing im moving some time this summer

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