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Resrouce idea: habitat space

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So while staffing space station that contained a bunch of LLL walkways and cupolas, all of which have a crew capacity, I had an (probably not original) idea. Create a resource for habitat-space based on the continuous volume of crew accessible parts. Basically instead of individual parts containing stationary crew members, have a group of parts with the crew 'diffused' amongst them based on a habitat-space resource capacity such that each crew member is attached to the cluster of parts rather than a specific part. I recall a mod that detects attached parts for realistic crew shuffling using ship manifest, so kinda like that only with a crew capacity for the entire cluster of parts.

Other possible uses for such a resource would be a lowered crew capacity for long term missions, I recall of colonization challenges that limited the acceptable crew capacity to half of what each part allowed. Also dedicated living spaces, as opposed to lander cans.

I have no idea if this came up before, probably has at some point, or if the game engine makes this possible.

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