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Recoverable parts + Timed Ignitions

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My Idea comes from the fact that soon money will be a thing you need to worry about. You can't build too extravagant of a spaceship just to reach the Mun. My idea is has 2 options to it.

First is that if any part of the ship is safely recoverable and still intact, that that whole part actually goes into a new button in the Hangar, which is "Recovered Parts". These parts act like the "pre designed" parts, which you can then equip back onto your ship free of charge. If they are fuel parts, then you still have to pay a small cost to refuel the part but the main chunk of cost is knocked off.

Second option is that the cost is simply refunded entirely back to your account. As if the part was recycled. Simpler to do, and still gets the job done ultimately.


Second idea are timed ignitions of stages. Which would play into my idea above.

Lets say you have a rather large rocket, and to make sure the stages separate nicely you have those fancy little staging boosters on them to push them away from the ship.

Once they separate you can no longer control them. So if the timer was added in, you could put a parachute on the fuel tank, timed to go off 4 seconds after you activate the stage to decouple the engine. So now, even though you have no control over anything on that fuel tank and engine, and it's now free falling towards Kerbal, the parachute will still go off 4 seconds later to make sure that it falls safely into the water to be retrieved later.

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