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Is Gumby an Ancestor of Jebediah?


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Whenever I see Pol's surface, I'm reminded of an ancient Gumby episode I saw nearly half a century ago. But it only just now occurred to me to see if I could find that episode on YouTube. So I looked and sure enough, there it was, so I watched it for the 1st time in more decades than I care to count. I was immediately struck by the vast number of KSP-ish things in it (besides just Gumby being green) to the point where I wonder if KSP might have drawn some inspiration from it. So I present the links here for you all to decide. It's in 2 parts:

Part I

Here, Gumby is possessed of an irrepressible urge to go to the moon. He then goes there (and it looks very much like Pol), has great difficulty on EVA due to the low gravity, and his lander is destroyed, stranding him there.

Part II

The rescue mission. Including exploiting the ladder glitch to get to mun.

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