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MLAS Spotlight: KXA Naval Carrier

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Musteline Aerospace-Kerbohood of Stars flag

Mechjeb was used only to give important information! Not on the downloadable version!

KXA-Destronis Naval Carrier

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Vessel Info

Total Parts: 604

Payload parts: 357

Vessel mass (ships up empty): 75t

-Fully fueled: ~185t

ÃŽâ€v: (fully fueled & nothing docked) ~6.8 km/s

RCS ÃŽâ€v: (LF empty) 128 m/s

Docking ports: 1 Sr., 1 Standard, 12 Jr.

Crew Capacity: 15

Ascent profile:

10 Km: Pitch over 45 degrees

25 Km: Pitch all the way over to the horizon, you need all the lateral velocity you can get.

The design overhaul of the Razgriz, my older version of this carrier. More armor on the exposed structural parts, less weight and parts count. Overall improvement. Also fixed the broken symmetry issues of the razgriz, so you can attempt to modify it without the rare SHP kraken attacking. I revised it again after that, swapping the cupola pod with a MK 1-2, the sweet IVA is ruined, but two extra crew capacity for the same weight, and a more reasonably placed docking port. Comes with a lifter that *can* make it into orbit, but note it does not like struts when they placed in symmetry mode on the lifter part. I also gave it RCS thrusters, even though they would be nigh useless at that mass, but they are there for those who want them. Comes with a HELPER docking tug for reloading missiles and helping fighters that can be detached from the bottom. Shipped up empty so my lifter can get it into orbit. Good luck refueling that beast. Does not contain xenon gas for ion fighters however.


Totally inspired by Macy Dean, feel free to wage war and support your fighters with this capitol ship! Want fighters and crusiers? To give feedback or report design flaws?

--> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67902-MLAS-Celestial-Warfare

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Looks like a Macey Dean inspired craft. I may be wrong though. Anyways I gave up a long time ago on space carriers, the are to much for me. I like it very well made.

Totally inspired by Macy Dean, feel free to wage war and support your fighters with this capitol ship! Want fighters and crusiers? To give feedback or report design flaws?

--> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67902-MLAS-Celestial-Warfare


We need a carrier megathread.Downloaded a while ago,commenting because reasons.Had a bit of fun with it the choice of crew containment seems odd though.

As for the crew pods, well in macey's carrier, the hitchhiker canisters are connected to the main frame of the ship, and since they have one of the lowest impact tolerances and the doors are exposed on the inside of it they are a huge weak point if you were to fire down the maw if the ship. That's also why I have the structural panels on the side, to shield the tricoupler holding the fuel tanks. That's why I used the command pods in case the ship were to receive catastrophic damage, more pods, less likely for the crew to get wiped out. Also rule of cool.


Edited by WhiteWeasel
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