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Does anyone here play Orbiter 2010 to practice for KSP?

The Russian 1021

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I have played both, and each is a masterpiece in it's own "department". Orbiter is great for flying realistic space missions and doing recreations and is more on a simulator side. KSP is great for learning about basics of spaceflight, and mods can expand it beyond just a game.

One is a game, and the other is a simulator, why would you practiced in a simulator for a game. Personally, I have learned to dock in Orbiter by first trying it in KSP. 

12 minutes ago, Frybert said:

I learned to fly with Orbiter, I learned to build with KSP.

That is pretty much the shortest comparison of them.


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  • 6 months later...

For orbiter You really want to have installed MFDs for your spacecraft to get into the functionality of piloting and maneuvering.

Orbiter out of the box is very very barebone. Only the Delta glider has proper piloting navigation build in by supplying stock MFDs. For interplanetary you want to install IMFDs usually specific to each spacecraft you use.

You are required to mod Orbiter if you want to go beyond what is offered in stock Orbiter, which isn't to much tbh, opinions may vary.
And modding Orbiter to my experience is a little bit more difficult then dragging prepackaged folders in your KSP gamedata folder. This is probably because content in Orbiter has a main package, dependencies, then piloting assisting MFDs, and other extras you might want. Then it begs to question whether you have installed and configured everything correctly for your download to even work.

But if you can get into learning orbiter, learning MFDs and IMFDs, you can have plenty of fun in this game. Either way it has also a unlimited fuel function you can use, So you will always be able to get everywhere. Mind the fact though that MFDś replace KSPs maneuver node functions, and every piloting is done in IVA not in external view.

EDIT: Oh, and a clear straight answer to your OP. The answer is NO!

It's likely to be the other way around, you learn KSP to get ready for Orbiter, (opinion may vary)
Remember that piloting wise you go into simulator setting and your basically playing RSS, not kerbin scale solar system with sattelites that have minimal inclination around the ecliptic. Only difference, you don't get to build any vessels, which is why KSP reigns over orbiter.

Edited by Vaporized Steel
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