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My tweaked Infernal robotics invert after "revert to launch" (Code Question)


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So I'm building a Gundam which requires creating/tweaking some robotics parts. Mostly hinges and washers. I like duplicating the parts I need and placing them in a separate Game Data folder called gundam parts. I rename the part folder and then open up the .config and change the names to "gundam_large_washer" ect. The main reason I do this is so I can have several of the same parts with different speeds and limitations on them.

I like being able to just hit an action key and have all the parts move where i want them and then stop at the limitations I have set for them. The wings in particular on the craft would be impossible to put in position manually while flying.

Now I have done this several times before(for the legs of my zoid) with no problem, but for some reason after I revert to launch the robotics parts are inverted and do the exact opposite of what I want. I have to revert back to the hanger then launch again to get the robotics to work correctly. It always works correctly the first launch after being in the hanger. Which is annoying

Now the only thing I've done differently here was duplicate a sized part inside the .config file itself. Inside the .config is the code for each size of the same part, A B and C. Usually I just tweak those, but now I want two A sizes with different limitations. So I duplicated that size individually and changed the name to A2. Now in the config I have the part codes for sizes A, A2, B, and C.

This is the only thing I could think would have caused this problem.

Also to make the Gundam head look cool the pilots are sitting backwards, does the direction of the craft affect the + or - commands of the robotic?

If anyone has any insight it would be much appreciated. I can post the code if necessary.

thanks in advance, clown_baby


As a side note about the Infernal Robotics. Is there anyway possible to open and close the parts in the editor. The toolbar allows you to rotate the parts which doesn't help me at all. I need to be able to see how the changing parts affect the lift/mass of the ship. I've searched the internet but it doesn't seem to be possible

Edited by clown_baby
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