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the polar challenge (OLD)

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Not when I'm paying attention.When I'm not,which is most of the time I leave it a 2x so I can hold down I and watch videos and the like.I mainly pay attention in hilly areas because It's pretty hard to stay stable with 2x warp at 40m/s.

You've got to start with a simple design and go completely overboard with it.The one I'm using is a 14 version on of a copy of chickenkeepers moon rover.

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I'm experimenting with something that uses aircraft wheels to get around the tire bursting problem. It reaches incredible speeds, but explodes frequently.


Or I'll just stick with a tried and true design. Articulated body to stay level over rough terrain, additional suspension parts made of octagonal struts and docking ports, and 6 wheels. Control surfaces for max downforce.


Edited by GusTurbo
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  Comwarrior said:
I had another go.

Sped upto 4X speed and narration.

Would love to know how far everyone else has got, press F3 and it'll bring up a window that will tell you distance traveled etc.

I keep trying to make a vehicle capable of withstanding crashes. I think I'm getting close to a design, but then I find a new way to crash it. :P

Funny thing is that with all the time I spent trying to create a vehicle capable of withstanding 4x and just drove, I probably would have been there already...

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Hmm. Any ideas on being able to tell how far I've gone? I have had to quickload due to terrain problems and now the flight log is blank... I think I'm rougly 20-25% of the way.

Maybe I need to figure out how far 1 degree on Kerbin is...

Edit: 1 degree is rougly 10.5km. So after about 5.5 hrs of driving, I'm about 220km north of KSC.

Edited by Claw
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  Claw said:
I keep trying to make a vehicle capable of withstanding crashes. I think I'm getting close to a design, but then I find a new way to crash it. :P

Funny thing is that with all the time I spent trying to create a vehicle capable of withstanding 4x and just drove, I probably would have been there already...

Sorry, should have been clear... the driving was done at 1X... but i sped it up to 4X to save on the boredom.

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Since I'm a special kind of crazy..

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after 15 hours and 15 mins and I finally reached the north pole!

I drove all of it at 2x speed

I didn't get a flight log screenshot at the end of the first leg of the trip. It didn't occur to me that the logs reset when you load a save and I didn't drive all of it in 1 sitting. I drove from KSC to the north coast on day 1 (roughly 670 km and 11 hours), and continued from the north coast to north pole on the second day(305km and 4.5 hours).

The terrain is really rough and combined with the traction issues it's nearly impossible to avoid rolling. If you are to do this challenge I highly advise you make a seriously crash resistant or roll resistant vehicle. Also, it is a good idea to bring a kerbal with you to repair wheels as they get damaged. I must have crashed and rolled at least 30 times, even launching Philmore from the seat on at least a dozen occasions. I lost 3 parts along the way; a headlight, a side panel, and a strut connector, luckily it was only minor damage and my buggy held together the entire time

I also cannot tell you how refreshing it is to get to the ice cap and have perfectly smooth driving for the last 150-200km or so after having to deal with 13 hours of mostly hilly terrain and mountain ranges with tons of traction issues making it almost impossible to control. There's no feeling quite as helpless as sliding down a mountain at 45 m/s with no way to slow down without rolling the car and potentially destroying it.

Best of luck to everyone!

Here's an extra little clip of the funny kerbal mechanics at the north pole

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I've deleted my previous entry start and finished a new one. It's the same crew and setup, but I threw out the storyline. Also, I upgraded the vehicle with what I learned from the previous one. This vehicle is capable of 3x physics warp over most terrain and 4x warp over rolling terrain. It can withstand pretty much any crash at 1x, but 4x can still be pretty brutal to it.

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I made it in 12 hours and 1 minute.

Like Lesbiotic, I recommend building a sturdy vehicle. I didn't really count the number of times I rolled over, but it was quite a lot. If you hit a steep slope and can't go perfectly perpendicular to it, you might as well go straight down. If you try to zig-zag, it'll just slide and flip over.

Yes, indeed refreshing to have smooth terrain for the last bit. For me it was smooth for about 180km. Although driving for 2 hours over completely flat terrain (still 30 minutes at 4x warp) also gets old after all the earlier craziness.

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  • 6 months later...

Well Well Good job guys :cool: keep up the good work The rules have been updated. you may use a jet engine to recharge your craft battery but the jet engine bust be vertical and must be placed on top of your vehicle and also if you crash I will allow a low alt eject-able glider to get to your position that your vehicle crashed at. ill post a vid of what the ejecat able glider should look like and how you should prepare for it

Ok another note that I realized looking thought the comments I saw there were cheats for infinite fuel and rcs and whatever THat will CHANGE immeadatly


I have also added a couple of rules to the boats good luck

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