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A few quick questions on pictures and uploading


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-Is it possible to use steam to post pictures? If so how? (I ask this as I would find using steam easier than creating an account on Imgur or some other site. Also if you can't use steam what sites allow me to show only the one picture rather than the album like thing that Ive noticed Imgur uses?)

-How do I upload .craft files? Where/what sites could I use to do it? (I think I heard something about using Google drive??)

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Imgur allows singular pictures. Albums have to be manually assigned and deliberately inserted into posts. You should be able to use pictures uploaded to Steam easily enough, just make sure you get the direct link to the picture (It usually ends with a filename and an image extension like .png or .jpg or something like that) and not the link to the page that shows the picture. Clicking on the picture will sometimes take you directly to the image itself (use that link), or you can right-click on the picture and choose "Copy image URL" to grab the direct link to the image. Just hit Ctrl+V (or right-click and select Paste) to insert the link to the image. Be sure to wrap it in [noparse]%7Boption%7D[/noparse] tags to make it show the image instead of a link to it, though.

Craft files are essentially big blocks of text, so any regular file host will do, or you can open them in a text editor and upload the contents to a site like http://www.pastebin.com/ (there are hundreds like it, use whatever works for you)/

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