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Shameless Advertising: My WIP game "Shipyard" - Alpha 1.0 coming soon!


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This is a fun game. I've been looking for something new to try. Will there ever be LAN or Multiplayer? :P

Maybe at some point, but it would only come after the single-player mode is close to completion. Also, whatever happens, it would have to be run on private servers as I can't afford to make an official server for a free hobby project.

one question. I have figured out how to battle and repair and stuff, but how do i access shops?

For the normal shop ("Merchants' Guild United Trade Post"), left click while your ship is over the shop (within the green box that appears when you mouse over it) and click "shop." Items don't do anything yet, but that will be the main feature of the next update. Shady Steve's Discount Shuttles is a dummy station, and it will also be fully implemented in the next update.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since I posted here, but yesterday I put up a new development news post: http://www.brasswatchgames.com/2014/08/08/shipyard-development-news-8-august-2014/

The hiatus was due to a three-week family vacation and, after returning, my temporarily switching focus to experimenting with 3D graphics and physics.

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  • 3 months later...

Man, it's been ages since I posted anything in this old thread. It's also been ages since the last update to the game. Or at least, it had been ages, until I released pre-alpha version 0.8.1 earlier today!

The new update includes working items, an improved navigation screen, background music and more. Get it from http://www.brasswatchgames.com/games/shipyard/. You can either download the full game as a .zip file, or download the launcher which will handle that for you as well as checking for future updates.

NOTE: If you have the launcher version 2.1 or previous, you may get an error saying "The files received from the server are corrupted." If this is the case, redownload the launcher as there is an updated version which fixes this.

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Gah, when I play, damaged parts of my ship keep on taking damage even after the enemy is dead, so their Health is something like -81/200 and it decreases until I die. I repair my ship, the decreasing health is still there.

I've never experienced that in my testing. I'll look into it.

EDIT: Nevermind this; see below. Run the game and try to reproduce the problem. Then save, quit, and look in your Shipyard folder (wherever you put the game files) and find debug.txt. Attach it to a post and I'll take a look at it to see what was going on when it happened.

EDIT #2: I've done some testing and found your problem. What's happening is the enemy is attacking systems with no crew inside, and rather than stay at zero, they're being assigned negative crew values. Crew are supposed to repair systems at a rate of 5 times the number of crew in the system, so your systems are being negatively repaired. I'll try to fix the problem and release a quick update to elminate it.

EDIT #3: I'm uploading a hotfix as we speak to address the problem. I've added multiple layers of protection to ensure that a system's crew cannot drop below zero. If this does not fix your issue, let me know and I'll continue to look into it. The update should be ready to download within a couple hours. The launcher will recognize it automatically, but if you downloaded the full archive, you'll have to reinstall manually.

this looks a lot like FTL. good work!

I get that a lot. :P FTL was part of my inspiration, but hopefully I've done enough to make this a different game.

Edited by nerdboy64
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For reasons unknown to me, the server is rejecting the update every time I try to unload it. I will try again in a few hours and, if that fails, sometime tomorrow. Until then, unfortunately, you will have to put up with the bug.

Thanks! I absolutely love this game, but that bug just prevented my from playing. This game is true quality, and the pixel art is much better than mine (which is even worse than my awkward vector art).

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yhe sever says that update 8.01a is uploaded

The changelog is just an HTML file and operates independently from the actual launcher. I updated it preemptively not expecting the update to go wrong, and now I've edited it again to be less misleading.

Well, I just got hit in the face with another perpetual death bug. D:

After combat, I die and get the messange "You died because your health got below 10% or all your crew is dead" and I keep on getting it again and again, no matter how many repairs I do.

Unfortunately, the server still refuses to accept the update, which is why you're still getting the bug. I'm updating the changelog to be less misleading while I continue to try to work out the server issues.

This game has a lot of potential! Just started testing it out.

Glad you like it. Hopefully you don't run into any, y'know, game-breaking bugs or anything.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

After five months, I've finally sorted out my server troubles and released the 0.8.1a update. As usual, it is available both as a full download or through the launcher. The update itself is just a bugfix, certainly not worthy of the time it took to get ready, but now that I can upload again, I can get back to working on actual game content.

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Now that I can work on the game again, I've outlined my plans for Shipyard Alpha 1.0. In addition to a shiny, new version number, I have big plans for the update. I wrote an "outline" for it on the Brass Watch Games website. Click here to read it, but be warned, it's quite the wall of text. Like seriously, it's about a meter of vertical screen space. I won't blame you if you just roughly skim it.

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  • 2 months later...

Now that school's out of my life, I've been working hard on Alpha 1.0. There's still a long way to go, but I'm making good progress. I already have the basics of free-form systems implemented. Additionally, I have added several new weapons to the game, in addition to re-balancing and visually redesigning the old ones. Click here to read about it on my development blog.

Here's a screenshot of the new free-form systems in action. Corridors, cargo holds, weapon controls, and crew quarters are all free-form now.


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