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Eve Probe Lander?

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I am thinking of landing a probe onto the surface of Eve in a one way trip but I am curious on

how much delta-v I would need and how big my rocket would be (would I have to assemble it in orbit?) and if its possible to only land on Eve with just parachutes or will I need a engine to assist me?

Edited by AeroAviation
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Yeah Eve's atmosphere is extremely thick, so you can use aerobraking to slow down when landing just make sure your angle of entry is fairly shallow, then just parachutes to land. Don't deploy the parachutes too high up though or you'll be descending for quite some time!

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You need about 1100 m/s from Kerbin's LKO. Plus some monopropellant to do mid-flight trajectory corrections to get and keep your Eve intercept periapsis below 80 km. And you need to transfer to Eve SOI at low time warp.

Without direct hitting Eve's atmosphere you need some 3000 m/s on top of that to brake. I'd avoid that.

Use about the same number of parachutes you would on Kerbin, but use twice the amount/strength of landing legs than necessary on Kerbin.

Definitely use at least one drogue.

Edited by Kasuha
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