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Am I missing something or I don't have all parts in my game? It is full steam version, I didn't pirate it.

I am looking for items that I've seen in Scott Manley's videos when he built a ISS replica, but I can't find the part where the crew can live.

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I haven't seen the particular video (and am at work, so don't have time to search for and view it), so I don't know if he was using mod parts. (If that's the case, check out the spaceport or this forum's mod release subforum for all kinds of good stuff).

If it's the standard 4-kerbal Hitchhiker module you are looking for, it's located in the utility category by default rather than the Pods category (it cannot be used to control a ship). There's also the 2-kerbal science lab now in the game, which is a bit bigger and looks pretty cool also, tucked into the science category.

Also take note that you have to unlock the parts in career mode through the research building, in case that wasn't obvious. Sandbox gives access to everything right away.

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Ah makes sense, I think that one stock thing should be enough tho, at least for the start.

And 1 more thing, what part do I use to connect things to my station? I have the core with hubs, but don't know what is the "Male" part

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Ah makes sense, I think that one stock thing should be enough tho, at least for the start.

And 1 more thing, what part do I use to connect things to my station? I have the core with hubs, but don't know what is the "Male" part

Docking ports. There aren't really a male to female set of parts you need. Just make sure you use the same size docking port or you won't have compatible parts. Also, the space station hub does not have its own docking ports. You have to add them.

So many times I've gotten into orbit only to realize this...

Edit: Ninja'd again!

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