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Women Kerbal Astronauts

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This has been brought up many times before... and yes, though I hate to conform to prophecy, we will have to lock this.

We'd let it be, but a discussion on this topic always turns to a mudslinging match between two or three teams (occasionally one or two others as well)-- team one, who believes Kerbals are genderless anyway; team two, who believes that team one's stance is inherently sexist, because Kerbals obviously exhibit qualities of male humans and must therefore be male; team three, who invalidates both team one and team two by saying Kerbals are aliens, and applying human standards (including gender) to them is practically racist.

So, let's just not get into it, okay? If you'd like to have a look at what the previous discussions have come to (it's not pretty, trust me), you can use the forum search to dig up those old threads. The devs are the ultimate authority on this, and they've generally not really bothered to address it, though I'm sure they'll sort something out in the fullness of time.

Sorry to rain on the parade, but this topic is a taboo for everyone's good, really. Also, if you'd care to look at our handy [thread=36863]What Not to Suggest List[/thread], you'll find "Female Kerbals" listed under the Miscellaneous section.

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