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Retro Style Rocket

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I have always been in love with this simple yet stylish rocket design, and finally wanted to recreate it in KSP.

Control groups:

1 = toggle rocket motor

2 = toggle landing lights

3 = toggle ladder

A few things you should know:

- The rocket only flies with the debug menu (Alt+F12) -> Infinite Fuel (optionally Infinite RCS). It was assembled without the debug menu, however.

- To properly control the ship, select the large probe core above the engine, and "control from here". Control from the lab module is upside down because I had to rotate it by 180°, otherwise Kerbals would appear upside down when the rocket is landed and they climb out of the door.

- To even have Kerbals inside, you need to add them manually to the lab module before launch. The rocket has no conventional pod.

- Atmospheric control is not ideal, but since the Skipper Engine is vastly overpowered for this small ship, just launch vertically and do your gravity turn very late.

Edited by Mephane
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