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Probe And Back!

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This is my first challenge so at first i was going to keep it simples, but there are no simple ones i can think of, so Behold. Probe And Back!

1. Build a ship! (duh?)

2. you must follow every...blah blah, lets get on with it!

So you must build a ship which is capable of flying to as many planets as you can get it to go to, ...no thats not it theres more, you must drop of a probe off at the planet and if it has a moon you will be awarded for extra points the more probes you drop off at each planet the more points you get, after you've gone as far as you think your ship can go, you must revisit every planet you were at collect its probes go back to Kerbin though if you don't have enough fuel to land there you may land on one of its moons. Once you land, that is wherever you land. All probes must stay in tact.


Mods are allowed though none that gives you infinite fuel, teleportation, etc. Mechjeb is allowed for giving data (Delta V Orbit info etc.)

At least 2 Kerbals Must come along.

You Must have a screenshot of the ship while building, takeoff, interplanetary transfer. basically every time you are about to do something ( i know that means lot of snapshots but i need to make sure no cheating is going on)

If a probe is not collected once you land back with in KSOI a penalty of points will apply.

you will be rewarded with extra points for putting probes in orbit around the planets moon. but one has to be stationed at the moons parent for those points to count.

A maximum of two probes may be put on one planet as long as they are in different orbits by at least a few tens of degrees ( a maximum of one probe around a moon)

No cheats!

All mods must be announced. and feel free to do a video if you feel.


( before i get started if there is anything i forgot to mention in the scoring system please tell me)

Probe around a planet = 10p

Probe around a moon = 5p

2nd Probe around a planet = 7p

Return to minmus = -5p

Return to Mun = -3p

failure to get to KSOI = Disqualification

(bonus) Get to all planets and return = 15p

(bonus) Get to all planets and moons + return = 25p

I myself will not be competing in the challenge, I am not Hardwired for this kind of challenge.

Leaderboard :











Edited by Space_Meerkat
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Hey, I guess I'm doing your challenge because it overlaps so much with a similar challenge I made. You can see it here:


I haven't completed your challenge yet, but I can show you some pictures of how much I've done so far

Here: http://imgur.com/a/GZB8p

Before you tell me that mechJeb is cheating, I fly all my ships myself and only use mechJeb for delta-V stats.

If I need to show more to make you convinced I'm doing this properly, just tell me.

:) Good challenge.

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Hey, I guess I'm doing your challenge because it overlaps so much with a similar challenge I made. You can see it here:


I haven't completed your challenge yet, but I can show you some pictures of how much I've done so far

Here: http://imgur.com/a/GZB8p

Before you tell me that mechJeb is cheating, I fly all my ships myself and only use mechJeb for delta-V stats.

If I need to show more to make you convinced I'm doing this properly, just tell me.

:) Good challenge.

Nah, I use MJ for Delta V, thanks i'll have to change that in the rules.

And i'll check out the links.

EDIT: By the way when you do complete the challenge you don't mind me adding you to scoreboards do you i'll look through all the things you've done and add points depending on the difficulty of doing it, and you have to do a lot more things, and you don't mind me stealing a few of those rules do you? (Like the landing the probe and some others)

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