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My Two Rovers!


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Hey Everyone!

I just landed some rovers on Minmus. I did some expermenting with them and tweeking. They are pretty sturdy and can handle a rollover. That was part of the test criteria. I gave them enough RCS to flip themselfs back over. I gave them life support and a winch and pipe end points and plugs from Kerbal Attachment system and Tac life support, and an antenna from Remote tech. They seat two, and they have room to attach science experments while exploreing Minmus. I came up with a deliverysystem that I forgot to test, but worked flawlessly. The rovers were on outriggers extended from the side of my minmus lander ship. Above them were outriggers with winches. I lowered the winches and attached to the rovers. Then I blew the decoupler rings disconnecting them from the support outriggers, and lowered them simutaniously to the surface with the crane. It worked great the first time. Drove the rovoers over to my base. Now I have a way of servicing my base's life support supplies as needed as well.

They seem prety stable and arn't easy to flip over, b ut when they do RCS is spammed to flip them back upright, even on Kerbin. I gave them a roll cage as well. Also, the battery is underneath and I had to put a skid plate on it to keep it from getting bumbed by terrrain if i go over a hill too sharp.

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Flickr works as well.

Edit: might as well show you my Minmus rovers:

The first is a prototype of my standard rover, which was first intended for Minmus. It uses ion engines as well as RCS thrust (in case it flips over); besides electric wheels:

<img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5527/12664561473_c29eae9c9f_b.jpg" width="1024" height="640" alt="newDetached">

It also rolls well on its sides (not intentionally, but more sides absorb more damage):

<img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7448/12664450355_0edd351efa_b.jpg" width="1024" height="640" alt="rollsWell">

This other is intended for Minmus or lower G body. It uses mainly reaction wheels (but has some RCS), and is more novelty than anything, as rolling uphill can be a challenge:

<img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3788/12843453373_0f59422ae8_b.jpg" width="1024" height="640" alt="rolver">

Looking forward to seeing your rovers!

Edited by Dispatcher
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