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I was surprised that I couldn\'t find any posts trying to recreate Concorde. So I made my own!

I attempted to scale the small one as close as possible to this page, given part size restrictions. I wasn\'t as patient when I tried to recreate it with the larger cabin, so I just made what I thought looked good. The smaller one should really have four engines

They both fly surprisingly well, the large one needs strap on solid boosters to help with take off (you can remove them, but then you need to do some aerobatics before she\'ll fly the right way up).

Both can hit well over mach 2 (~590m/s) at 15000m (proper cruising altitude). The smaller one has way larger range.


C7 + hardpoints + experimentals


Would love to see other people\'s recreations :)

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Thanks :)

The large Concorde can just about make it to the large island to the north-east of the launch site. I managed to fly the smaller one around the same island and back to the space center with fuel to spare. I even landed it on the runway (see attached).

Hey, any landing you can walk away from, right 8). The look on Bill\'s face kinda says it all.


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