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Artificial Gravity

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So I saw this post:


Main point being this bit right here:


In the image the ship appears to be sticking itself to the ring with magnetic feet. The kerbonaut is still weightless on EVA.

But I was wondering if KSP simulates centrifugal force such that you could put a ring like that into a spin, land on the inside, and get out and walk around like normal, pressed against the interior surface by centrifugal force?

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I think the basic physics would work, but the Kerbals would still try to float around and thus bump into the ring rather than walk on it.

That would be my guess as well, since I have had problems getting a kerbal to just stand up when dropped on an inclined structural panel. Also, the Kraken isn't a fan of things bumping against each other. Not to mention that you wouldn't be able to time warp because your ship/kerbal would float right through the ring.

I love the concept though. Might have to try it out.

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The gravity ring does work, the issue is that when kerbals walk they aren't really being simulated physics wise like rovers are, it's a bunch of shortcuts so that you don't have to fully simulate the walking and balance of a 2 legged creature which is very hard and problematic. Those hardcoded shortcuts don't and can't really take something complex like a gravity wheel into consideration.

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