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Unexpected change of orbit

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I was able to replicate this. The SoI transition came without warning, even though I was jumping out of time warp all the time. Probably the map won't attempt to draw encounters, unless the orbit crosses target's orbit at some point, or at least comes very close to it.

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Confirmed this behaviour in the Kerbin-Mun system with a ship in a circular orbit 9500 km altitude. There's no indication of the SOI transition before it happens, even at 1x. Even setting the Mun as the target just shows a closest approach several hours ahead of the actual encounter.

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To file an actual bug report, we apparently need someone to confirm the existence of the bug in an unmodded installation.

no prob, I have just the engineer part, I'll take it out confirm and report.

I'll mark this as solved now.

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So you don't see the encounter on map, when the space station is the active ship, and it's going to happen during the current orbit around Jool? If so, then you should file a bug report, describing the situation in detail.

Encounters with inactive ships don't show up in map mode until they reach the SOI of that object. If the station is the active object and the future encounter doesn't show up on the current orbit, then, it may be a bug.

I have seen slingshot maneuvers not occur for inactive objects during map mode in time acceleration, yet encounters will show up once the ships reach the SOI of the planet or moon.

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Encounters with inactive ships don't show up in map mode until they reach the SOI of that object. If the station is the active object and the future encounter doesn't show up on the current orbit, then, it may be a bug.

Screenshot explicitly shows that the station is the active vessel yet no encounter is shown.

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If someone is filing a bug report, I see the same thing happening when rejoining behind the Mun. I've done Hohmann transfers to end up close behind the Mun where it won't show an encounter (to be in a fake L5 position). However, when I actually fly the trajectory it will suddenly switch SOIs without warning.

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Screenshot explicitly shows that the station is the active vessel yet no encounter is shown.

Kurja, I'm not sure I see the bug yet.

Screenshots from your O.P. clearly show that the vessel, not the station, was the active vessel when you had the issue.

Screenshots from post #17 clearly show the station as the active vessel, but a long ways away (orbitally) from Laythe. The spec is "shows the encounter only when your vessel is within one orbit of the encounter", which I don't believe is the case for that screenshot.

Frustrating, for sure. Definitely something I'd expect out of any kind of "Mission Control" mod or Squad-implementation. But I'm not sure its a bug for map mode ..

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Kurja, I'm not sure I see the bug yet.

Screenshots from your O.P. clearly show that the vessel, not the station, was the active vessel when you had the issue.

Screenshots from post #17 clearly show the station as the active vessel, but a long ways away (orbitally) from Laythe. The spec is "shows the encounter only when your vessel is within one orbit of the encounter", which I don't believe is the case for that screenshot.

Frustrating, for sure. Definitely something I'd expect out of any kind of "Mission Control" mod or Squad-implementation. But I'm not sure its a bug for map mode ..

Perhaps the screenshots were inadequate to show the issue beyond all doubt. What you see in post #17 shows, as you said, the station a long way from Laythe (less than one orbit away, however), gaining on it surely but steadily as the station is on a lower orbit. As the station gains on the moon, at no point is there an encounter displayed in the map view, only an abrupt SOI change as it occurs.

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Ahh, thanks for the update, and my apologies; I thought you were more than an orbit away in that shot. Clearly if you don't get the SOI change displayed prior to the SOI change, that's an issue. Interesting question for you: does Kerbal Alarm Clock pick up the SOI change in advance?

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I have a feeling there's some miscalculating going on, regarding SoI and the difference between the "from-center" and "from-surface" measurements ... if I'm right, you could probably see it with an orbit around Kerbin just inside the Mun's orbit.

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