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The Mun Base that hasn't made it....Yet!

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Cool Mun base.

Why are the fuel tanks on the boosters so small? You could reduce the part count and wobble a lot if you switched them for X-32 or Jumbo-64. It looks like the boosters are equivalent to 1 jumbo + 1 x-16 but I could be wrong.

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Cool Mun base.

Why are the fuel tanks on the boosters so small? You could reduce the part count and wobble a lot if you switched them for X-32 or Jumbo-64. It looks like the boosters are equivalent to 1 jumbo + 1 x-16 but I could be wrong.

This Launcher and Mun Base is still being tweaked, you could try larger but it will add more weight to an already heavy lift. These flights take so long I haven't been able to research too many ideas yet. This Craft takes hours of flight time to get to the Mun. If you make changes it might be what this Mun Base needs to land it. I have gotten to the Mun just haven't landed it yet. Also I am in the early stages of career mode and don't have many parts available yet, I am taking my time and enjoying the challenges.

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Less boosters! :sticktongue: Nice work though :)

How much does it weigh? The Munshine rockets by Wayfare, Giggleplex777, and Gojira have a launcher that can lift 165 metric tons I believe. Link below. :)


Aw, come on, don't give me that much credit! All I did was testing, and not very much at that!

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