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A Moon lander im going to use...


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I just made this moon lander with stock parts, took a while to get a properly working one...

It currently has 5 stages.

5: Starts the 3 main liquid engines attached to the tri-coupler attached to the 'center' of the rocket. Currently there is 2 fuel tanks.

The purpose of this is to slow down the rocket so it can land somewhere, and if there is enough fuel, also use it later to lets say return to earth. (i might need to add an extra tank, 2 tanks for 3 engines isnt probably enough)

4: Starts the 3 solid boosters attached in the 'spaces' between the liquid engines (the closer-to-center positions of the tri coupler). These boosters extend a bit farther than the liquid engines and have the landing winglets (many of em) attached to them (i found this to be a nice way to do it, no radial decouplers for winglets now :P). Theres also a second set of boosters above these boosters.

These are used to escape the muns gravity. I hope theyre enough as i have no idea of how much power is needed to escape...

3: Detaches the first 3 boosters (and the winglets that were attached to those) and starts the second ones.

2: Detaches the second set of boosters, leaving with only the main liquid engines that were started in stage 5.

1: Detaches the liquid engines and stuff leaving only the command pod and a single RCS tank+some thrusters

I attached de lander... No rocket yet, but the lander seems to work ok-ish on earths (kerbin?) surface.

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