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A newbie's guide to abbreviations


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A guide to abbreviations

Organisations like NASA use abbreviations very commonly, as they have very specific terms which would be a pain to say or write out every time. Abbreviations are also found on these forums, although they describe sometimes different things. Enjoy the guide!

I have italicised the terms which are most commonly found on these forums (from experience)


SPH = Space Plane Hangar

VAB = Vehicle Assembly Building

KSC = Kerbal Space Centre

Spacecraft specifications

SSTO = Single Stage To Orbit

TSTO = Two Stage To Orbit

VTOL = Vertical TakeOff and Landing

VTVL = Vertival Takeoff and Vertical Landing (same as VTOL)

HTOL/CTOL = Horizontal takeoff and landing, Conventional takeoff and landing, same thing

STVL =Short takeoff and vertical landing

TWR = Thrust to Weight Ratio

RATO = Rocket Assisted Take Off

Spacecraft (IRL and in KSP)

CSM = Command and Service Module.

DTV = Duna Transfer Vehicle (You can swap the 'D' for any planet)

Spacecraft Components and Systems

RCS = Reaction Control System

SAS = Stabilisation Augmentation System (Space Anti-Sickness, etc)

NERVA = Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application

VASIMR = VAriable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasmadynamic Rocket


BTSM is the Better Than Starting Manned mod for a revised science system.

DREC = Deadly Re-Entry Continued (adds burn-up on too-fast re-entry, etc.)

FAR = Ferram Aeronautics Research (replaces aerodynamic model with a more realistic one)

KAC = Kerbal Alarm Clock (an alarm clock for ship-operations)

KAS = Kerbal Attachment System (add/remove parts after launch)

KER = Kerbal Engineer Redux (information display)

MJ = MechJeb (information display and autopilot)

RT2 = RemoteTech 2 (communications satellites)

RSS = Real Solar System

LLL = Lack Luster Labs

DOE = Distant Object Enhancement

KMP = Kerbal MultiPlayer

KCT = Kerbal Construction Time

MCE = Mission Controller Extended

ATM = Active Texture Management

KW = KW rocketry (mod that adds more large rocket parts)

KMP = Kerbal Multiplayer (a mod which adds multiplayer to KSP (watch out, it's buggy :)))

Orbital Mechanics

KSO = Kerbin-Synchronous Orbit

TMI = Trans-Munar Injection

LKO = Low Kerbin Orbit

SOI = Sphere Of Influence


NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration

KSP = Kerbal Space Program

EVA = Extra-Vehicular Activity

LFO = Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer

LF = pure Liquid Fuel

"Recent" additions yet to be organised:

IVA = IntraVehicular Activity

SRB = Solid Rocket Booster

CG (or CoM) = Center of Gravity (or Center Of Mass)

CP (or CoL) = Center of Pressure (or Center of Lift)

JATO = Jet Assisted Take-Off

SLS = Space Launch System

ARM = Asteroid Redirect Mission

LRB = Liquid Rocket Booster

dV = Delta Velocity (change in velocity)

LM = Lunar Module or Landing Module

RTG = Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (a part that generates a constant amount of electricity even without sunlight)

AGU = Advanced Grabbing Unit (commonly called the Klaw or Claw)

Thank you to:




Red Iron Crown






for their contributions.


I'm pretty sure I'm missing loads, please add any suggestions or questions you may have. Thanks!


A small Post Scriptum:

I've seen the misuse of words that begin with K all over the place and it annoys me and other people.


Kerbal: green creature (can be abbreviated to Kerb in special circumstances, notably when there is no ambiguity)

Kerbin: Earth-like planet

Kerbol: unofficial name for the sun

Kerman: common surname among Kerbals

Kerban: NOT A WORD

Kermin: NOT A WORD


Edited by Javster
Fixed the u symbol on Munar, I think the forum update broke it
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DV = Delta V (yeah, people have asked)

TWR = Thrust to Weight Ratio

VTVL = Vertival Takeoff and Vertical Landing (same as VTOL)

CSM = Command and Service Module.

DTV = Duna Transfer Vehicle (You can swap the 'D' for any planet)

Just copied and pasted into the OP, hope you don't mind.

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RCS = Reaction Control System

SAS = Stabilisation Augmentation System (Space Anti-Sickness, etc)

Maybe some of the more popular mods?

DREC - Deadly Re-Entry Continued (adds burn-up on too-fast re-entry, etc.)

FAR - Farram Aeronautics Research (replaces aerodynamic model with a more realistic one)

KAC - Kerbal Alarm Clock (an alarm clock for ship-operations)

KAS - Kerbal Attachment System (add/remove parts after launch)

KER - Kerbal Engineer Redux (information display)

MJ - MechJeb (information display and autopilot)

RT2 - RemoteTech 2 (communications satellites)

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RCS = Reaction Control System

SAS = Stabilisation Augmentation System (Space Anti-Sickness, etc)

Maybe some of the more popular mods?

DREC - Deadly Re-Entry Continued (adds burn-up on too-fast re-entry, etc.)

FAR - Farram Aeronautics Research (replaces aerodynamic model with a more realistic one)

KAC - Kerbal Alarm Clock (an alarm clock for ship-operations)

KAS - Kerbal Attachment System (add/remove parts after launch)

KER - Kerbal Engineer Redux (information display)

MJ - MechJeb (information display and autopilot)

RT2 - RemoteTech 2 (communications satellites)

Thank you for your contribution

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You'll find a long list of acronyms in the OP of the Principia dev thread. Most of them are only useful in highly technical discussions of pertaining to astrophysics, numerical integration and programming, but you might want to add a few to your list.

Specifically, the following are generally useful:

ACS: Attitude Control System

EVA: Extra-Vehicular Activity

KSO: Kerbin-Synchronous Orbit

LKO: Low Kerbin Orbit

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

RSS: Real Solar System

SOI: Sphere Of Influence

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BTSM is the Better Than Starting Manned mod for a revised science system. I had to read a couple of threads before I figured out what it was from context.


HTOL/CTOL: Horizontal takeoff and landing, Conventional takeoff and landing, same thing

STOVL: Short takeoff and vertical landing

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have updated this thread and plan to make sections for easier reading.

STILL TO DO: Find universal formatting guideline, to avoid:




Which looks messy...


Edited by Javster
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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I have decided that the format will be:

XX = Xylophone eXplosion

Where each X is capitalised in the definition, corresponding to the abbreviation.

Please submit according to this format.

Edited by Javster
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  • 2 weeks later...

IVA = InterVehicular Activity

SRB = Solid Rocket Booster

CG (or CoM) = Center of Gravity (or Center Of Mass)

CP (or CoL) = Center of Pressure (or Center of Lift)

JATO = Jet Assisted Take-Off

I'm surprised that "SRB" and "IVA" aren't in here yet :)

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You could add

LM = Lunar Module or Landing Module

RTG = Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (a part that generates a constant amount of electricity even without sunlight)

AGU = Advanced Grabbing Unit (commonly called the Klaw or Claw)

KW = KW rocketry (mod that adds more large rocket parts)

Side note on Kermin not being a word: I have a kerbal named Kermin Kerman on my main career save.

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Isp = Specific Impulse

NP = Nova Punch

KCT = Kerbal Construction Time

MCE = Mission Controller Extended

ATM = Active Texture Management

TSTO = Two Stage To Orbit

RATO = Rocket Assisted Take Off

DOE = Distant Object Enhancement

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How is there no abbreviation for cubic octagonal strut?

Because most people just call it a cubit octagonal strut because otherwise new players would never be able to find it. RTG came about because nobody wanted to spell Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator.

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