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Yet Another Recomend some Games thread

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Before I de-office for the day into some kind of postapocalyptic post-internets [expletive deleted]-hole, I'm popping in to make a suggestion.

www.worldoftanks.com. Like tanks? Like shooting tanks? Like shooting tanks with tanks? Grab it. Free. It's a free-to-play, but not a garbage one. Whack actually did the beta for this one back in the days gone by. It's worth the download.

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I'd point out Silent Storm as a good old Squad command turn based strategy.. It's set in a WWII with a sci-fi twist, so eventually you fight/have WWII tech iron man suits. It is old, and frustrating at times, but it's only 10$ on GoG.com

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Sid Meier's Railroads!, its a fun little game. Strategy, little to no combat.

Armagetron Advanced, multiplayer tron bikes done right. also, its FREE.

Command and Conquer The Ultimate Collection. You'll probably only use one or two of the games (C&C 95 is set in the late 80s to early 90s, and the chronology goes forth from there into the distant-ish future.) but do use Generals and Generals: Zero Hour.(Mod it to death too)

Spore & both expansions. I know I'd normally say don't waste your cash, but its a decently creative game once you give up screaming at the bugs. also can be modded to death. literally.

Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition. Sometimes frustrating, but super addictive...games can last up to a few months in real time on the larger maps.(Not much like civ, more isolated, lots more waiting, ULTRA fleshed out tech tree, amazing mod community running for many, many years after it's release.)

World In Conflict. (Don't bother with the DLC) Cold War era 'Murica vs. the soviets.

Iron Brigade. This one is hard to describe...its sort of a tower defense mixed with a TPS, ans all based in a sort of kooky WWI/II-steampunk hybrid. Multiplayer too.

Thats all I've got for now.

Edited by Galacticruler
pesky Y key.
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Hmmm. There is a ... notsorecent ...mod of Bungie's Myth called World War II Series. It might be ... too vintage. Then there is the even older, narrowly ... relatedtoyourrequirements ... game classic: Crimson Skies. That one is pushing towards the abacus end of the personal computing timeline. Seems like most of my favorites are either science fiction or ancient fantasy, so I'm not coming up with any other ideas.

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